My 90g Reef tank build Progress.


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I am planning on building a 90g reef tank. This is my first reef tank and I am still in the planning process. I a currently serving in Afghanistan with the Army. I am open to any and all opinions and suggestion. This is what I have so far and plan on. I will be using this thread to track the progress of my tank from the very beginning.

This is what I have so far. Bought from Kiddy on ARC.

- 90 Gallon Aqueon Factory Drilled Fish Tank
- Aquatic Life - 48" T5-HO Light Fixture with (4) 39W Lamps & (3) 1W Lunar LEDs
- Acrylic Sump (20 gallon) that sits underneath the tank inside the cabinet
- Reef Octopus Extreme 160 Protein Skimmer with Sicce PSK 2500 pump
- Sicce Syncra 4.0 - 951 GPH Flow Pump
- 300W Heater
- Cabinet
- Canopy
- Live Rock about 50lbs
- Sand
- Magfloat
- Thermometer
- Hydrometer

$700 from Kiddy

What I plan to get soon:


- 200g box of Instant ocean reef crystal sea salt
- JBJ Auto top off system with TOM aqualift pump and 20ft of airline tubing.
- 2L of Matrix (Read good things about this. Plan to put some in my sump and use it to seed my QT when needed)
- 100w heater for QT (Plan to use a 25g tank that I have currently as my QT)



- Ro/di 100gpd

Total: $70
- 1x ATI 48" aquasp lamp
- 1x ATI 48" coral+ lamp
- 2x ATI 48" Blue+ lamp

Total: $110

2x Koralia Evolution Pump 1150
1x Koralia Pico Evo pump 400 (For QT)
1x API Reef Master Test Kit


Total of online purchases: $481

Grand Total:$1181

I have a 55 gallon tank from past freshwater and a water pump I plan to use to mix the saltwater in. I still have to acquire a container for my top off system. I have extra heaters im going to use for mixing the saltwater. I plan to wash and reuse the sand. May invest in more live rock. The live rock that I got with the tank will be dried out, so I have to recycle it. Tell me what you think?
Looks like you will have a great setup waiting for you when you get back. :)

I know I speak for most all of the members when I say "Thank You" for what you are doing for all of us. Don't forget to hit me up when you get back. I am sure we can find a spot for you and teach you a new trade. :).

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Sounds great and thanks for the support. I wil definitely hit you up and see what its all about.
DannyaFoster;888565 wrote: I am planning on building a 90g reef tank. This is my first reef tank and I am still in the planning process. I a currently serving in Afghanistan with the Army. I am open to any and all opinions and suggestion. This is what I have so far and plan on. I will be using this thread to track the progress of my tank from the very beginning.

This is what I have so far. Bought from Kiddy on ARC.

- 90 Gallon Aqueon Factory Drilled Fish Tank
- Aquatic Life - 48" T5-HO Light Fixture with (4) 39W Lamps & (3) 1W Lunar LEDs
- Acrylic Sump (20 gallon) that sits underneath the tank inside the cabinet
- Reef Octopus Extreme 160 Protein Skimmer with Sicce PSK 2500 pump
- Sicce Syncra 4.0 - 951 GPH Flow Pump
- 300W Heater
- Cabinet
- Canopy
- Live Rock about 50lbs
- Sand
- Magfloat
- Thermometer
- Hydrometer

$700 from Kiddy

What I plan to get soon:


- 200g box of Instant ocean reef crystal sea salt
- JBJ Auto top off system with TOM aqualift pump and 20ft of airline tubing.
- 2L of Matrix (Read good things about this. Plan to put some in my sump and use it to seed my QT when needed)
- 100w heater for QT (Plan to use a 25g tank that I have currently as my QT)



- Ro/di 100gpd

Total: $70
- 1x ATI 48" aquasp lamp
- 1x ATI 48" coral+ lamp
- 2x ATI 48" Blue+ lamp

Total: $110

2x Koralia Evolution Pump 1150
1x Koralia Pico Evo pump 400 (For QT)
1x API Reef Master Test Kit


Total of online purchases: $481

Grand Total:$1181

I have a 55 gallon tank from past freshwater and a water pump I plan to use to mix the saltwater in. I still have to acquire a container for my top off system. I have extra heaters im going to use for mixing the saltwater. I plan to wash and reuse the sand. May invest in more live rock. The live rock that I got with the tank will be dried out, so I have to recycle it. Tell me what you think?

A good candidate for a top off container is a 32 gallon Brute found at Home Depot or Lowes. I would stay away from the cheaper brand containers. I believe the Fish Store had some special containers for that purpose under their sponsor link area for around $90.00 [I think]. The Brute 32 gallon may be around $30.


P.S. You can also look at the Forums here at ARC. Sometimes you can find a used setup here at ARC. I prefer to purchase new because you don't know what was used to clean used equipment.
I plan on using like a plastic storage tub or something from walmart

Edit: I plan on using like a plastic storage tub or something from walmart
upon further reading of threads, a current one actually, I decided I am going to go with the Seachem Marine test kit instead. I read that API test are not exactly accurate. It's only $10 more and if its more accurate than that's $10 I don't mind spending.
Granted, API are at the bottom of the list for test kits. Although, for just monitoring the rise and fall of ammonia/nitrate/nitrite during your cycle, I think they work just fine.

Later on when you test for calcium, alkalinity and magnesium, that's when you'll want to drop the change on really good test kits.

Just my .02 cents
I noticed that Seachem has two separate test one for Ammonia/nitrate/nitrite and the one for calcium, alkalinity, and mag. So I guess ill start with the API then thanks for the advice
Read up about the differences between the two and then make a informed decision. I'm just a hobbyist and some of the advice you got was from store owners who have a lot more skin in the game than me. Just wanted to offer advice from the other side of the fence.
I used API with no problem.......until!!!! They are fine for while you are cycling but you start to trust them and when they start giving false readings you react incorrectly. Then you really have problems.

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My plan is to se API to cycle and once I start getting an established tank switch to the Seachem before I start adding corals.
Hey Battle

When you get back hit me up. I will gladly share some corals for you. Free for a Battle

Stay safe brother
I have an API saltwater test kit that is good till 2017 that you can have if you want something to just start with to test the initial cycle. I just switched to the Seachem tests because my cycle is almost finished. API worked fine for the first couple of weeks, and it came with the setup I bought. Just let me know.

Thank you for your service and stay safe.
Rdnelson is correct API is fine until......... I spent days freaking out over extreme nitrate levels, the almost new API kit was wrong.

On a lighter note, if you want to see what not to do read some of my threads, My 90 gallon build has been a nightmare, but it has provided a lot of interesting reading for arc members and I have yet to have a crisis that they could not offer advise for, except convincing the wife we have the money for this hobby.

Stay safe down range and thanks for your service!
Deitz Thanks man I live in Jackson so Griffin is right next door ill definitely hit you up on that. What unit are you with?

NHannon Think theres anyway you could mail that test kit? Woodstock is a good ways away from my home.

Thanks for everyones support its greatly appreciated.
added on a 20 gallon Brute Trash can on amazon today for $23. still haven't paid for everything will be doing that sometime around the 19th
My wife is always looking for an excuse to go for a drive. PM me your address and I can either ship it or maybe we can meet your wife somewhere to get it to you. Also, I think shipping that brute might be more than its worth, have you checked Home Depot's website to see how much they are? And you might want something bigger than 20 gallons. Just a suggestion.
s fee shipping it got the amazon thing on it where if you buy more than $25 from them they ship for free and I got way more than tht lol. The 20g brute is just for my ATO.
just a lil change on my plan of stuff to get. Decided to not go with the Ro off ebay read some things I didn't like about them. Instead im gonna get the BRS 4 stage plus ro/di unti 75gpd looks like a good deal. any opinions on this system does anyone have it?