My algae issues never cease to end lol


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I have had this new type of algae pop up and take over. At first i had no idea what it was, but after researching and looking through google images i found out what it is. Its a form of calurpa. Its disc calurpa (either c. racemosa or c. peltata), and IMPOSSIBLE to remove by hand. Im definitely gonna have to take out the rocks its growing on and dip viciously. But dip it in what? This stuff is spreading FAST, it started on one side of the tank and the popped up on the other , it grows ridiculously fast, so i need to find a solution before its on every rock.
Pull off what you can while making a note of where it was sprouting from. Then spot-treat the holdfasts with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide administrerd via pipette - either freshly-opened 3% from the drugstore or 6%+ from a natural foods warehouse. Please keep in mind that higher concentration solutions can burn/bleach your skin! let it sit on the site fizzing for a couple minutes and then rinse away.

doing this with a dropper will spare the bulk of the coralline & allow you to avoid treating anything you'd rather not risk to a full peroxide dip.

Make sure you rinse off the rock with either used tank water or RO/DI before returning it to the display.... some corals and invertebrates are extremely sensitive to peroxide such as skunk cleaners/fire shrimp.
can you house a yellow tang?
that being said... more fish poo definitely won't help, but they generally will control it
SnowManSnow;986042 wrote: can you house a yellow tang?
that being said... more fish poo definitely won't help, but they generally will control it
Yep, just cant afford one atm

DavidinGA;986099 wrote: Algae scrubber?
Whats that?
SaltyVixen;986138 wrote: Yep, just cant afford one atm

in a 65??

I heard that yellow tangs GENERALLY aren't the best grazers. Maybe you had a good one SMS
SaltyVixen;986138 wrote: Yep, just cant afford one atm

Whats that?

It's a screen you build to grow green turf algae in your sump. Much like running chaeto in a fuge except a scrubber pulls way more NO3/PO4. People have had tanks taken over by nuisance algae in the dt and about to throw in the towel then try a scrubber and it completely fixes the dt issues. There's a big thread on it on RC if your search for algae scrubber
DavidinGA;986147 wrote: It's a screen you build to grow green turf algae in your sump. Much like running chaeto in a fuge except a scrubber pulls way more NO3/PO4. People have had tanks taken over by nuisance algae in the dt and about to throw in the towel then try a scrubber and it completely fixes the dt issues. There's a big thread on it on RC if your search for algae scrubber

ok i'll research it , thanks
SaltyVixen;986148 wrote: A small one yes. Not a big one... meanie :tongue:

Small kole tang will be more active and won't eventually grow Into a dinner plate. Just don't think a fish is going to get rid of source of the algae, just some of the algae itself.
I have a bright red fiddler with brilliant blue claws. Female of course as both the claws are small. He hides a small hole during the day, but at night he comes out and tears up some algae. My frogspawn that didn't make it through my tank busting has become a little frogspawn factory. I mean has about 10 heads on it the size of a a pin head. Anyways before I get off topic; I had it in my 20 long frag tank and it became overrun with hair algae. Well I placed it back in my display on my small frag rack in there, and watched it to see what would get the algae off of it. Well Low and behold my fiddler is the mastermind behind it. He has kept my tank spotless, and doesnt bother a single coral or invert. Now if he becomes a problem then he will be moved but for now he is great.
Whoever suggested the Kole Tang was spot on! He eats the HA like nobody's business but hasnt touched the capurpa yet. And i let a rock sit in rodi water for 3 days with no light and the calupra didnt die lol.
fwiw I got a kole tang also and went from tons of algae to spotless in under a week. it was insane how much it eats!