Three weeks ago I started up my new tank and so far I'm happy with how it’s turning out.
I started with about 20lbs of dry ecorock from BRS, 20lbs of black live sand, and about 2 lbs or so of live rock from my LFS to hopefully seed the tank. Tossed a fresh shrimp in for 3 days to kick off the cycle and three weeks later it’s close to complete.
Still cycling, ugggghh I'm impatient.
As of today:
Temp 79
SG 1.026
Ammonia aprox .15
Nitrite aprox 1.0
PO4 .12, I think this is coming from the LFS rock as there were no measureable PO4's until I added the live rock. I'll slowly pull out the LFS rock when the cycle finishes.
pH probe not hooked up yet
Haven't tested Nitrate, Cal, Alk, or Mg yet. Waiting for the cycle to finish first.
My goal is to house a couple picasso clowns, another undecided fish or two and I want to fill in the rock some nice SPS up top with some zoas and maybe a couple ricordias down low....
Stock 150W bulb, might switch to a Phoenix 14K
--Thinking about adding a MLC for the reefkeeper to add a moonlight
Two Koralia nano 425's on wavemaker mode
MJ1200 in chamber 3
Filter floss in InTank media basket
Aquaticlife 115 skimmer in chamber 1
BRS 5 stage 75GPD RODI unit
---will probably add Carbon and or GFO
Controller and misc:
RKL w/ temp, pH, 2 PC4's, SL1
ATO with dual float switches, one setup as an alarm for safety
100W Eheim heater in chamber 2
BRS jugs containing Alk, Cal, and Mg mixes
2 BRS dosers
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I started with about 20lbs of dry ecorock from BRS, 20lbs of black live sand, and about 2 lbs or so of live rock from my LFS to hopefully seed the tank. Tossed a fresh shrimp in for 3 days to kick off the cycle and three weeks later it’s close to complete.
Still cycling, ugggghh I'm impatient.
As of today:
Temp 79
SG 1.026
Ammonia aprox .15
Nitrite aprox 1.0
PO4 .12, I think this is coming from the LFS rock as there were no measureable PO4's until I added the live rock. I'll slowly pull out the LFS rock when the cycle finishes.
pH probe not hooked up yet
Haven't tested Nitrate, Cal, Alk, or Mg yet. Waiting for the cycle to finish first.
My goal is to house a couple picasso clowns, another undecided fish or two and I want to fill in the rock some nice SPS up top with some zoas and maybe a couple ricordias down low....
Stock 150W bulb, might switch to a Phoenix 14K
--Thinking about adding a MLC for the reefkeeper to add a moonlight
Two Koralia nano 425's on wavemaker mode
MJ1200 in chamber 3
Filter floss in InTank media basket
Aquaticlife 115 skimmer in chamber 1
BRS 5 stage 75GPD RODI unit
---will probably add Carbon and or GFO
Controller and misc:
RKL w/ temp, pH, 2 PC4's, SL1
ATO with dual float switches, one setup as an alarm for safety
100W Eheim heater in chamber 2
BRS jugs containing Alk, Cal, and Mg mixes
2 BRS dosers
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