My buddy's 40g - IM 40 - Fuge Question


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I set this 40g up for my pastor in his church office. He's using Aquaforest 2 part with magnesium and trace. He's added quite a bit of coral. Aside from some algae, this tank is looking great. It's only been set up for 3.5 months. SPS has only been in the tank for 2 months or so and is encrusting like crazy. I am really impressed with this tank.

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It looks nice! I'd like to know more details about it. Like saltmix, lights and how is he dosing the aquaforest, is it manually or his using a doser? Quite nice for the short time, I even think that the little algae it's just part of initial process of the tank.
We're doing Red Sea Coral Pro. He's got a Kessil a360we. He's manually adding 35 ml I believe of each daily or 75 if he misses a day. 5g of water change every two weeks or so. He's got a skimmer but I can't remember what kind. Tunze maybe. No extra flow at this time. He's almost even manually topping off. We've got to discuss top off and flow. I think he needs an ATO and an extra power head to help with that cyano.
We're thinking about adding some chaeto to one of the middle chambers in the rear. Outer sections - one has the sock and the other a skimmer. Inner sections one holds the heaters. Thinking about using some light diffuser to help keep the chaeto in that section, then cutting through the black plastic backing for the light. Thoughts?