My build thread, really long but has pics


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Below is the link for the beginning part of the build, If you would like to read it. I thought I posted but can"t find it.">beginning part of the build</a>

Don’t want to get too wordy but here are some pics. And some small words….LOL

Mounted an RO/DI unit in the laundry room and routed the line thru the attic. It currently drops down through a crack in the unfinished sheetrock. Made an ATO with RO/DI 10gal container w/ float for auto shut off when filling. I still need to raise it up some and make a top for it. Still running the ATO off of my camping battery but just got a transformer so I should change that today. And I need to move the RO/DI container. I still have not done anything with the finishing of sheetrock and cabinets in the kitchen or the rest of the stand, yes several unfinished parts to this. I keep moving around as money and ideas change. It’s a work in progress so to speak. Originally the sump was to be under it in the living room but the wife decided she wanted to keep it open. I could have lowered the tank some if I had known this. I removed the egg crate at the end of the sump. It was acting like a waterfall and was LOUD and was making bubbles in the return. I angled it backwards into the fuge area and then the water was not moving on the top so I removed it completely.

I installed a PS in the sump. Don’t kill me but it’s a Sea Clone100. I had a store credit and needed a PS so it’s a beginning, got it for 85.00 picked it up in the store. I will upgrade it later. Hung it on the back of the tank for a week playin with it and now I added it to the sump. Had to make a platform and it would only fit one way. So I had to make a wall to keep the noise and the bubbles from going down the bubble trap.

I had a folded 7x30” 25micron filter sock in it to clear up the dust storm from the NASTY LIVE SAND. Don’t even get me started, again. With the PS in the sump now I don’t have room for it. I put the shelf I made for the 4” 200 micron filter sock back in :^( I think I want a couple of 100 micron filters for normal use.

As for other equipment I have a Mag 7 doing about 321 to 331 gph. I have a maxijett 1200 in powerhead mode for the suction part for my homemade HOB skimmer. I want to make another one but bigger. I know I need to add more flow in the tank. I want to see if I can tee off the ¼ line from the PS to cover the HOB skimmer then I can change it to the over kind for more flow but I might leave it and get another something for the other side. I had a single bulb T-12 6500K coral life bulb on the tank. About 200# of used LIVE SAND, did I mention it was DIRTY, urgh… about 26# of cured LR about 15# of dried used LR and about 10# of dried base rock. And a about a pound of old shells that were picked out of the dirty sand as I sifted out the crushed coral and shell mix. The temp is holding at 77* +/- .03*
I started a ghetto booty fab light and did not like it so I revamped it. As funds are low and I spent 20.00 on this I think it worked out well. In short it’s a 48” T-8 2) bulb fixture that I removed the shield and added the guts from the single T-12 light. I had some aluminum sheeting so I made an angled shield and higher sides for the top to hide the ballast that were moved up top to reduce some heat. I have only one switch for now but will add another later. Currently I have 2) T-8 6500K 856/Dx alto and a single T-12 10,000K coral life bulb. It’s pretty bright. The best thing all I have is $20.00 and my time in it. yes time is money but… I can simply add 2 new T-8’s PetSmart sells both the 10,000K and Actinic Blue. Before you say T-5 /VHO read my words “don’t have the money” I will be LQQKin to see what deals I can get later. This is only temp/perm.
The direction I want to go… well I want to have an awesome reef tank!!! Hopefully in February I will take this 75gal DT and upgrade to a 150 DT 48x30x24. I saw a 36x36x27 that would work on the stand I built. I want reef safe fish and soft corals. The tank has been up and running for 4 weeks now and cycled and parameters are great.
I have added 14 hermit crabs, couple different sizes and 2 white and 2 black snails. I think the black are turbo’s can’t remember what the whites are. I also have added 4 Onyx Misbar Clowns. They all have been in the tank for about 36 hrs. The 4 snails and 2 of the crabs have been in there for about 60 hrs. now and just checked the numbers all is still good. Ph was 7.8, it had dropped some but everything is still good.
Not too wordy but longer than I thought it would be.
Here is some links from some of the builds and some more pics. I have more and better pics if ya want them. Just ask.
[IMG]">Cloudy sand</a>

[IMG]">RODI bucket for ATO</a>

[IMG]">MY ATO installed</a>

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Nice build. Love you "Auto Fill Valve". LOL I hadn't thought about that one. May have to look into that.
eagle9252;702525 wrote: so what should i do?

get a CUC (Clean up crew)

Lots of snails, hermits, and emeralds

make sure you dont over feed and are you using RO water? because tap water will lead to algae as well, and stay on top of your water changes

nice setup btw :thumbs:, like how the clows stay huddled together lol
Great tank build! I love the clowns! You did a great job with the A.T.O. and I am jealous of the picture quality...I know now it is time for a new digital camera! :)
I am loving that pvc light pulley. If I saw that right? Is that a modded industrial lighting fixture or just custom to the fullest?
for the light fixture(which I'm not using now) it's metal flashing they use when wrapping wood while doing vinyl siding,... it's all custom and for sale. as for the camera most are from my cell phone and old ENV3 but the close ups are from a Sony DSC-H2 it's an old one also. more pics later.
made a block and tackle lift and did not like it and now making a canopy top.
Here is a quick picture build of some lights for THE TANK. I started out building a light on the cheap as it&#8217;s what I had. Two T-8 6500K and one T-12 10,000K. Did not truly like the light it was producing and did not want to spend the money on the T-8 bulbs.
So I took the plunge. I acquired a T-5 HO fixture that holds 6 bulbs. I started by making a block and tackle pulley system and it worked ok. I only had 2 pull strings and with the 4 strings going back and forth it took about 12 foot of pulling to raise it up. It actually rose up super easy!! Also with the tandem setup it would pull the closest one up first before starting the other. So to fix this was run 4 individual stings. Worked great but you could still see the strings and power cord. The joke from my wife was since it LQQKs like crap already, just add mini blinds to hide the stuff above the light and you can raise them also. It did allow access to the tank real easy but it LQQKed like CRAP.
So here comes the 3rd canopy light box which I will add that, yes it is a temporary one, as I will do a bigger tank by mid-February and it was what I had around the house. I cut the fixture up so the canopy could open so I could have more access. It has 2 ballast in it and funny thing is it can be switched 3 ways. I have an Actinic Blue 460nm and a 420nm on one switch and two 12,000k white, 420nm purple, two Actinic 420nm on the 2nd switch. I also ran wires for a 12v light later to come. I bought a blue cathode light for a computer case and one of them were broken but with just one of them which was 12&#8221; long it was sure BRIGHT. Too bright for the night light I wanted. I&#8217;m after a faint blue light for just a small area in the tank.
On the next canopy I probably will add more lights and make another flip upside for a double flip canopy. The stand is built to hold a 150gal DT 48x30x24

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Pics from Wednesday night 11-23-11. I vacuumed the sand and did a 26gal WC. After removing about 1 ½ gal of sand it wound up being 27 1/2gal. I removed the PS from the sump and hung it on the DT temporally due to me wanting to put the bigger filter sock back in. I’m planning on making a bigger HOB OF and might branch of to the side and make an Algae scrubber and then drain it into the sump or pump it back into the tank have not decided yet. All the green is now brown on the rocks now, hope it stays away!!! I have a couple of frags in here now thanx to a couple of people. Hope to take a better pic tonight. Still trying to figure out taking pictures of the tank and keeping the blue out.

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Tank is looking good. Well, except the hair algae but I know you are fighting that right now. I picked up 3 emeralds when I got started and they do a great job on the hair and bubble algae. Love the frags you got going although, I don't know if those are technically frags compared to mine. LOL
rdnelson99;707612 wrote: I don't know if those are technically frags compared to mine. LOL

I don't know if that means the are too small or too big to be called frags.
I know what most of these are but can’t figure out a couple. Here are some pics from last night. Tank LQQKs better after WC and I added some carbon to the sump. The bubbles showed up after the water change and slowly letting go. They wiggle a lil bit then release. There is less this morning. I turned off some of the blue bulbs and took some pics. For some reason the camera makes it LQQK bluer than it is.

The first one is real hard and has some tentacles that come out periodically. The other LQQKs like some kinda flower. I also don’t know what kind of brain this is either. And before you ask, NO I don’t have a kitchen stove in my tank. And a couple of the pics were taken from the kitchen side as the tank is in between the living room and kitchen.
The last couple are short videos of them eating. 1st one is tang eating off the rocks, next is brine shrimp, the last 2 are them eating small pellets.

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Edit: well the videos did not post correctly. the first one and last couple that are smaller are clickable videos.
Compared to mine they are too big to be frags. LOL Mine are frags.

eagle9252;707797 wrote: I don't know if that means the are too small or too big to be called frags.

Edit: The hair algae looks alot better. Whatever you did worked.
yea there big ha....... how did you get rubber bands to hold them down? when ever i try rubber bands they just deteriorate and break
they have been on there a couple of weeks but one broke lastnight :^( so I just got thru using super glue it looks like the other 2 have stuck but I left it alone,... it was not broke LOL