My clowns laid eggs!!


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I was shocked to see that my clowns laid eggs. I noticed the eggs this morning. I am not sure what to do about this situation or if i should do anything?? The other tank inhabitants are powder brown tang, niger trigger, lawnmower blenny, redlip blenny, coral beauty angel, purple chromis, yellow tail damsel, red hawk fish, royal gramma, and a caribean pistol shrimp. I was wondering if the other tank mates will eat the clowns when they are born??

Wow gratz man! That's so cool. Are you going to attempt to raise them? You'll need to setup a seperate tank cause your skimmer will take more of them out than your inhabitants will :(. Put a pic up! :)
i will post a pic tomorrow when my halides turn on. As far as setting up a seperate tank i guess i will have to do some research.
I found this article written by a reefer to be very informative:

yes most likely they will die or make an apetizer for your corals and meat eaters just set up a rubbermaid or a tank with a sponge filter and low if not no light because the fish will swim to the light if it is intense and will be distrated and not eat. i read it in a book let me confim this. ok they will hatch in about 6-7 days oh and if you want to leave them in the tank they will hatch and move to the substrate. and you can collect them using a small light to atract them and scop them out with a tub or something of that matter but no net. the container that you would keep them in should be blacked out and have a single hole at the top for light and so that the larve do not damage themselves when swimming at such young age.the filtration system should be a simple sponge filter should do the trick. the prime food you should give them are rotifers and these are the recomended ones (Brachionus plicatilis). after a few after 8-12 days start using a combination of foods including Brachionus plicatilis and offer these to newly hatched brine shrimp, liquidized mysis and marine flake food. at the end of around 20 days you should put better filtration for better flow and at this age they can be transfered to a quarentine type tank for better growth

if you do not get this i can scan the book where i got this info from it has 2 full pages dedicated to clownfish rearing and breeding.
Just out of curiousity, how big are your clowns? Are they 2-3 inches or 3+ inches? (I'm not even sure what type you have)
Chris let me come over and see them. I'll trade you coral for mini fishies.