My Condi at my that possible?


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Last night...about 11:00 everyone was great! This morning my new little bitty ricordea is missing! My Condi has moved!....and is poised VERY close to where my ric was placed (he wasn't glued down)

I was considering getting rid of one of my Condi's...of course this one is the mover....and....he's wedeged himself into a crevice between the live rock and he won't move....dangit

Gayle fishies in the aquarium...

One shrimp
bunch of narcissus snails
queen conch

There's no sign of him... It was about the size of a quarter...The condi's tentacles are swaying in the water right now and could easily reach his previous address.
Maroons15 wrote: I honestly doubt it but I bet it somewhere behind the rocks or something.

Probably the case...I have spent many hours searching for a small frag that blew off the plug only to find it right next to where it was just at an angle that was not easily seen. Good luck finding it!
I have had more than 1 ricordea detach from a base and disappear only to be found bleached out under my live rock when rearranging.
Well, I dismantled my ric...and of course...can't get my rock to go back like I had hoo. dumb condi is attached under the rock..between the rock and the sandbed ... almost squished it a couple of times...but it's big and as flowy as ever... I also just found out my little hitch hiker that I've had is a nuisance anemone...not the one that starts with an "A"...but the variety that begins with an 'M'....sorry....don't feel like going to look it up right now. I'm going to order some stuff today to try and kill it....

I tried using the ice method to make it move and net it....didn't didn't move...The xenia didn't like it too much though.....I've read on some forums there's some sort of juice you can get or mix a lemon juice concoction...I wonder if lime juice will do the same thing....but alas ... I have no syringes....