My Coraline Algae Is Disappearing!


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<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">The coraline algae on my back glass is disappearing! This tank has been set up for about a year and the back glass has been totally covered with coraline. I just notice the other day that it is beginning to fade. I am starting to see the black background again. Calcium is good at 460. </span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Is this an indication of a problem??</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">The only thing I have done out of the ordinary lately is switch to Seachem salt.</span></span>

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Any ideas?</span></span>
I will check for MG tonight!

I thought about SPS load. I have added some SPS and they are doing well. I just thought that since my Calcium level was always high...that would not be the culprit
You haven't added an urchin to your tank by any chance? Although I believe the algae they eat would be minimal.

Blue-leg hermies eat the stuff, too.
Linda Lee;289557 wrote: You haven't added an urchin to your tank by any chance? Although I believe the algae they eat would be minimal.

Blue-leg hermies eat the stuff, too.

Hmm...I did get A LOT of blue leg hermits with some sand I just bought.
But they dont crawl up the glass. they?:confused2:
DrNecropolis;289560 wrote: No joke... I though I was the only one that hated the stuff..Looks good on rockwork.. hate it on the glass though

Never looked at it that way. I honstly dont like it on the glass either.

But in the beggining when that first pink spot appeared on the was a sign of success! We were so excited to see it growing.
Then it went nuts and our black background became pink.

I would like to know why its happening though.
BASSCYN;289564 wrote: Never looked at it that way. I honstly dont like it on the glass either.

But in the beggining when that first pink spot appeared on the was a sign of success! We were so excited to see it growing.
Then it went nuts and our black background became pink.

I would like to know why its happening though.
I'm with everyone else, I would check the Mag.....
one of those things that gets easily overlooked..
Some good info here:">Coralline Algae 3</a>

Also in Coralline Algae 1, 2 and 4 (links are on that page for 3)
IamRit;289591 wrote: Did you changed your light bulbs/lighting setup lately?

Good question. I see a decrease in coraline when I replace the T5 bulbs in my T5 lit tanks.
seachem reef salt uses a lot of Borate alk to maintain high levels of Calcium, Mag, PH, & ALK, which you will measure as Total ALK. Corals & such only use carbonate alk. Make sure your ALK is about 2 points higher in dkh. So if you want 9.0, shoot for 11.
Have you had a lighting change? It doesn't like to ton of light.
i would check the temp. if you are using digital therm., they are no good.
must use glass therm. the digitals are not accurate.
from past exp.
Heck I don't have any either....never really cared....

any reason why we should have it?
Have you guys found that lack of coraline growth usally equals slower stony growth or not?

It seems to me to always be the case with tanks i see. Maybe cause the tanks I see with low coraline growth, have high phosphates. The other thing not mentioned is lamp spectrum it seems to me to like the blues.