My efforts to get into hobby


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So couple of years back I purchased this 75g tank of someone for ~100 for stand and tank, it ran for couple of years as fish only, then 6mths ago I changed it to a reef

It is not done, but I felt it was coming together enough to show off some pics

I have pulled this together on the cheap, I made or was given almost everything. It is lit with LED's 12k and Actinic. These LED's were just 15usd per ft and as you can see after 6mths of use fish and coral seem to be growing well. Although I have seen some lights that others have that blow my little LED DIY effort

I picked up used IV drip machines from a hospital and use 3 of those for dosing the various things including as an ATO

My sump is a second hand tank with 2 baffles and the skimmer (not sure make) but was $10 second hand from Pure Reef (bust, but I managed to repair it myself)

So what did I learn with this first tank - 1) It still costs far more than you ever thought and 2) NEVER go with Acrylic. Scratches way to easily and then algae builds inside those micro scratches.

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Now I am starting my next tank - my wife told me I could not have a second tank so this a secret, so dont tell her
I am being a lot more adventurous with this one. I may wish otherwise later. I am hiding it in my home office in the basement
So it will be a 150g (48x24x30)
However I am building it from scratch
I have built the stand from scrap wood - way over engineered (it is soooo heavy)
I.E. 5 pieces of glass 1/2" thick that I salvaged from other busted tanks. a Frame that cost me $50 for top and bottom, I am going with a coast to coast overflow - fabrication ran me $75 and now I am starting the plumbing. I am also running two lines to the outside to facilitate water changes.

I have all these parts and almost finished silicone it all together, I used a lot of silicon, I know its ugly but it will be covered up by sand and rock.

Long way to go. Next step is to figure out how I lift it onto the stand it is heavy for one person to lift to that height, or to any height

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Nice DIY effort mark.
Hell of a tank to hide, guess that room is off limits to the wife?
Unless you plan on giving you tanks away, ask the mods to move it for you... Posted in the free forum.
I know i accidently posted in wrong forum and did not know how to move it. Yes room is of limits even down to key pad locks to get in
How do I get one of those rooms???? :)

Nice build. Love the ingenuity.
This overflow I found someone online and ordered it for 75$ just gave him my length and he fabricated it and shipped it to me. I then just silicone it in. Of course after I drilled the required holes
Is there a drain and water source in the secret underground hideout or will you be carting water about? , thats hard to hide
I have drilled two 1.5 inch holes through the wall and to the outside, one for a drain and the other for new water. My plan is to hide a brute outside at the side of the house, don't think wife had been to that side of house in the 12yrs we have been in the house. These holes are done but we're a pain as i had to go up and out and some structural issues were in the way.

I will need to figure out pumps at some point as it will need to move water to a final height of 12ft and a distance of 40ft
Keep her favorite gift around in case you get caught. Considering your ability to keep this under wraps with all the activity. She is still is a keeper. I admire your fortitude and it makes me tear up. AWWWW MAN CAVE!!!!! lol