I bought my first filefish after 4 years in this hobby. Ive had aptasia in every tank ive ever had eventually. I always used the aptasia x and f aptasia when they get high in numbers or irritate a coral i like. Other than that they never bothered me too much. Really never have bothered me unless they make a zoa close up or something then i hit it with the aptasia x and that was it. Of course they would eventually come back and id hit it again. Only did this like once every three months. But ive grown lazier thanks to apex and trident. :/ never bought a filefish cuz i hear soo many stories about them eating coral and not touching aptasia. Was in search of a copper band butterfly for a long time but they would never eat in store so i never bought one. I saw a file fish that would eat frozen 2 weeks ago and bought it. I no longer have an aptasia problem. Simple as that. He immediately ate the polyps on my red planet acro as well
that was it. I let him get away with it cuz he did such a great job. He still eats frozen and bothers nothing else. Even if he does i think the trade is worth it. As long he doesnt go nuts. Very cool fish, very effective and awesome ability to camouflage on the fly can literally blend in with the coralineand sprirorbid worms on the back glass. If youre willing to sacrifice a coral to find out i would def recommend it. I just will stop buying certain corals he likes in exchange for his service