my fish.....


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seem to be alot more happy with the new lights. do lights have any thing to do with this or are they just use to everything now?
I dont know how scientific this is but in my personal experience I've noticed that brighter lights do seem to have an effect on fish's behavior. Especially in their eating habits.

I noticed a big difference every time I changed lights when I went from a regular old PC bulb, to a Nova T5 fixture, to a TEK t5 fixture.

Of course, it may have more to do with other things other that brightness (ie - kelvin, etc) but I definitely noticed that the brighter the lights the "happier" and more active the fish were.
well i went from a stock light to a pc and my sixline use to never come out in the open but now he is out from the time the lights come on till they go off lol i have got a lot of pics of him now as to before i couldnt bc he stayed in the rocks
funny you say that because my six line was the same for a while...he would come out only to eat but after the light upgrade he was out all the time....he only went in to sleep.
thats cool and i seen today that my firefish were on the other side of the tank then there darthole but use to not go far from it lol
I think lights make a huge difference. Consider where these fish live in the wild.