my freshy plzz lmk what you think !!


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hey guys love freshies been doing it for a while !!!first off my first 55 gal hob wheel filter and a quiet flow filter two live plants and river rocks live sand and fishies
2x blue rams
2x angles
5 red eyed tetras
5 tetras
3 tiger barbs
2 pleco
neon tetra
2 balas
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i have pleco, tetras, neons, bunch of others in my freshwater tanks..i have 5 of them plus saltwater reef tank...nice looking fishes you have there...although i dont like to add fake plants in my tanks...Lol...are you planning to add live plants into that tank?
i sure do i wanna do all live plants eventually i love it just trying to find some lol
live plants are very nice to have in the tank...did you go shop at petsmart and petco for them?;)
Check out these guys. There are a lot of good folks there and I know of a few people who are frequent that site as well as this one. Their fall auction is coming up next month and you will be able to get more live plants than you have room for. Its a good time.

thanks well i looked at the site and im not sure if i can just join i know no one lol

Edit: on a second note does anyone have blue rams i have two and i think they laid eggs???? the male hides in the driftwood and wont come out and also i got a killie female and the male is going nuts haha! probably bc she is as big as him lol
There's no requirement to know anyone to join, just sign up and start posting. Like Butch said, he and I go to the auctions all the time, and there are so many different plants available at great prices...much lower than you'll pay at Petco or PetsMart. Not to mention the deals you'll find on all kinds of fish and some dry goods.
No, anyone can join the forum, just like you did here, without paying. You'll have all the same permissions on the forum as the paid members do. The only thing being a paid member gets you, is a larger cut of the profits during the auctions, if you sell something. Additionally, the meetings are open to everyone, paid or not, and the auctions are too.

I don't attend the meetings, because I'm too far south, but I did pay for a membership to help support the club, same as I did here.
very cool thanks jb i think imma do the paid one since im somewhat close and get the bargains and help out