My green monti cap is turning brown


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I got this frag a several months back and it has been doing really well and has shown some good growth.

But it is beginning to look a little brownish.

Is that bad?
Is it just going through a normal..."funk".

Should I do anything?

Nothing too unusual going on...except about 3 weeks ago I had to change out most of my T-5's. I have a 6x54 reflector and all the actinics and one of the daylights went out all at the same time. I ran up to my closest LFS (Aviarium) and replace them the same day with the same type and brand of bulb. Current 10kk.

I also had to fight off some xenia creeping into monti's territory a bit about 2 weeks ago.

This weekend would be water change week. (10% every other week).
As I recall, on my last change I did not have enough made up so it was about a 5% change.


nitrates - 0
Phosphates -0.5
ph - 8.2
calcium- 420
The above are all pretty consistant readings.

spec gravity - 1.028 (normally 1.026)
ammonia - 0.25 ( always zero )
Here is a pic.

alt="" />
that doesn't look good.

I would think that the bulb change had something to do with it if there was a sudden change.

But, water changes can't hurt.
Skriz;227258 wrote: that doesn't look good.
Agreed... I got a huge piece of Orange from Marine Reef that lost almost all of its color except on a small part..I tried to snap that good part off and it was still hard as a rock so I leave it alone and its starting to color back up..Will just take I while I understand
dawgdude;227271 wrote: Cut your photo period down. It looks like the new bulbs burned it for some reason. Slowly creep your lights back up to full strength over a couple weeks. How old were the current bulbs that blew?

Like...8 months.
Its greenin up again!!:yay:

I think its gonna make it!

I did cut the photo period back a bit. But it didnt seem to be I slowly brought it back. I noticed the other night that it seemed to be recovering. Maybe it worked after all!
