My Hawaiin Flame wrasse hits the floor lives to tell about it.


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Oh S#$%!!!!!!! I have egg crate over my tank. Have egg crate with nylon mesh on the overflows but still almost lost my wrasse. I had removed the egg crate because I was scraping algae off of the hard to reach corners and near the substrate. Well I walked around back of my tank into my fish room and noticed something on the floor. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, its was a wrasse. All encrusted with crap from flopping around on a messy concrete floor. I scooped it up thinking it was dead. Then I saw a fin move. All I could think of was to get it into the water as soon as I could. I threw it straight into the tank, it looked like a fish dipped in cracker crumbs. Only then did I know it was my male. He just floated there for awhile, gills slowly moving. My female wrasse swimming around him. I still felt he was a gonner. I netted him and held him away from power head to get water moving over gills. He laid in the net for some time, slowly improving. I then let him swim out into the rock work. He has since been swimming about the tank. But now he is now no were in sight, hopefully just getting some rest.
He has like disappeared, after swimming around the tank like nothing had happened. I cannot find him anywhere. It is a big tank (180), and a lot of places to hide. I am trying not to panic, but I am worried; actually I am panicking.
Man Glenn, I hope he is just pouting about you posting here that he looked like he was rolled in cracker crumbs. :) Seriously, I hope he is resting up and recuperating somewhere in your rockwork. Let us know...
I found him hiding behind some live rock. Seems to be timid and cautious but I think he will be fine.
my eel was on the floor for a WHILE and i mean A WHILE long enough to dry out i put him back in got him moving and he sat on the bottom just breathing for like 8 hours and finally went back to normal hope all is well!!!!! good luck man
I'm glad you found him in time! I think he'll be just fine Glenn. He's probably just licking his wounds you'll see him tomorrow or the following day... Meanwhile make sure he didn't jump out again :).
I am keeping the lid on except when I clean. When I clean I will keep one eye on the wrasses at all times. I knew the minute he had the opportunity he would jump.
My hogfish was without water movement in my tank for I'd say at least a few hours, a snail crawled into my PH and jammed it and he stayed in the rockwork for hours afterwards, they seem pretty sensitive to that kinda stuff. But he bounced back until my tank got totally shut off for all of 12-14 hours and he obviously didn't make it then.
Steve;252692 wrote: My hogfish was without water movement in my tank for I'd say at least a few hours, a snail crawled into my PH and jammed it and he stayed in the rockwork for hours afterwards, they seem pretty sensitive to that kinda stuff. But he bounced back until my tank got totally shut off for all of 12-14 hours and he obviously didn't make it then.

That's straight poo. Maybe my next tech project should be a power outage emergency system
My supermale flame wrasse (purchased from Chris/FishScales - thanks!) also jumped and landed on a concrete floor when I was doing some work on the system last week. Since I witnessed the jump, he had very little time out of the tank and is fine. Absolutely beautiful fish.

About 18 years ago, I kept a fish only system. My wife and I woke in the middle of the night due to some commotion at the foot of our bed. I turned on the lights, and discovered my cat (de-clawed) and snowflake eel wrestling! After scaring off the cat, I discovered the eel coated in carpet fuzz, dirt, etc. I dropped him in the sink, rinsed him and put him back in the tank. He wasn't right for a few days but eventually made a full recovery.
That is a funny story.

Was the tank in the bedroom or did the eel and cat work their way in there?
I fear the worst. This morning he was lying behind a rock on the substrate. I tried to see if he would move by taking my tongs and nudging the rock. He swam out all tattered and hump backed. Then the Hippo took a nip at him. I quickly netted him and have put him in my hospital tank. He is just laying there barely breathing. I put in some API melafix. Have small power head going. I do not know what else to do. This really sucks
Sorry to hear it....

(my tank was in the bedroom when the snowflake and cat went at it)