my hippo does not like nori?!?


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ok so i got a hippo from just one more tank and he is doing great i feed him formula1 and he loves it but everytime i try feeding him norii he doesnt care for it not even with garlic extream is this normal i thought tangs love nori ....the nori im giving him is the kind you use for susi just plain rosted
Give it time. Give him formula two in the meantime. They are pretty shy fish so ripping off pieces of nori from an algae clip may take some building up to... Leave it in there with him alone all day and he'll get to it eventually...
well the thing is he is in qt and the water has no benifical bac. cause the water from my tank is still infected with ich so i dont want it to sit in there and creeat an ammonia spike
one thing i did with my hippo was to attach the nori to a piece of rock with a rubber band, that way it looks more "natural". also i tore up some nori into flake sized pieces and fed that to him instead of the normal flakes.
so i guess he must know that im talking about him cause he is picking at the vegi clip lol not trying to devour it yet but at leaste hes picking at it
You can put in some actual macro algaes in there if you don't want to worry about the nori rotting in there. The tang would prolly appreciate that more anyways.
Prime Reef Flakes from Ocean Nutrition. Everything in my tank eats it... tangs (including a hippo), dwarf angel, wrasses, gramma, pseudochromis, chromis, damsel, clowns and even my sand sifting goby eats it. Don't even get me started on how ape my cleaner shrimp go for the stuff.
yeah i feed formula 1 and started formula 2 with the tang he ate it too i guess chris was only giving him flakes so thats what he got use too but he did end up eating all the nori