My message has been terminated!!


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I couldn't post in the Lounge, since I'm not a paid member. So I placed my response here to Dave (ReefKeeper) and it appears to have vanished into a black hole or something. Thank you, JennM for placing a thread in the lounge area to my link. Here is what I received on my e-mail tied to ARC: <span style="font-size: 12px;">Dear WannabeeaReefKeeper,

Skriz has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - To Dave (ReefKeeper): - in the New Member Q&A forum of Atlanta Reef Club Forums.

This thread is located at:"></a>

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I'm sure Reefkeeper, who is very much alive and well, will be thoroughly confused.

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
Atlanta Reef Club Forums

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Not sure what you mean by Dave being Confused by my post!! Anyway, Dave if you didn't get a chance to read my message, let me know and I will PM it to you. By no means, did I attempt to confuse anyone. I've had some tragic events in my personal life that without Him, I'm not sure where I would be today. He is the Comforter. So sad to see my post disappear into a black hole somewhere in the internet. Hopefully, Dave, you were able to read it before it was destroyed and may He surround your family during this time.

I saw your post, Tim, and I believe Skriz deleted it because he realized his snarky comment was unwarranted. Had he taken the time to read through other posts, he would have seen Dave's (Reefkeeper) post, asking for thoughts and prayers, to which you were replying, and not assumed you were talking about David Grimm's passing and possibly, accidentally using the wrong screen name (Reefkeeper vs. Acroholic).

However, in true Skriz fashion, he cannot pass up an opportunity to be an educated donkey.

Here you go, Raj...enjoy!

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heathlindner25;1059738 wrote: Yet another typical abuse of power by mods....

Without folks like yourself, they'd probably be out of a job. Thanks for coming back helping ensure job security for our Mod corps.
Seth The Wine Guy;1059739 wrote: Without folks like yourself, they'd probably be out of a job. Thanks for coming back helping ensure job security for our Mod corps.

you're the reason why all the old members left.......if you would just go away I bet they would come back
heathlindner25;1059740 wrote: you're the reason why all the old members left.......if you would just go away I bet they would come back

If you consider yourself one of "old members", I'd say it was a job well done. It's so easy getting under your skin...
Seth The Wine Guy;1059741 wrote: If you consider yourself one of "old members", I'd say it was a job well done. It's so easy getting under your skin...

Well...congratulations you got underneath a lot of people's skin, that's why they're gone.
Yeah I believe he thought you were confusing Dave "ReefKeeper" with Dave "Acroholic" who passed away earlier this week. Probably did want to confuse reefkeeper if that was the case. Because when I read your post earlier I was a bit confused as well and thought maybe you just got the handle name wrong.

heathlindner25;1059738 wrote: Yet another typical abuse of power by mods....

I think this is just a simple misunderstanding not abuse of power...

I wasn't confused at all. I posted in relationship to both threads. I didn't have either of them confused. I will say "You don't have to leave this world to experience the Comforter of Peace". All you have to do, is call out to Him and He is already there by your side.

I didn't place my reply here to "wage a war". There's too many of them already. My only intention was to let Dave a.k.a. ReefKeeper whom is dealing with his wife's condition after the serious car accident. I was giving "my heart" in hopes that Dave (ReefKeeper) would find some comfort in the words that I posted here at ARC.

Rich, please close this thread. I see no Peace forthcoming from this thread.

It was deleted since it's not a new member question, just as I indicated when I deleted it.

I replied to it first and thought it was about Dave Grimm and didn't see the forum it was posted in. Once I saw the forum, I deleted it.

This thread will also be deleted after you all have a chance to read my statement. If you want the ability to post in member forums, become a member. If your thread gets deleted for violating rules, all the conspiracy theories and childish rhetoric about abuse of power will do nothing to reverse the action or make the rules any less applicable.
I think everyone needs to step back and think a bit before posting.

Wannabe, there are rules in place about what posts are allowed where. I suspect you knew that was the reason it was deleted. You sentiments are heart felt and everyone knows that but posting in New Members Q & A is not the right place to express it.

Heath, I understand you feel slighted. But as has been said before, the staff you have issues with are no longer in control and continuing to hold that grudge and cause further turmoil is beneath you. That's not the guy I got to know a couple years ago.

Raj, I would encourage you to be a little gentler when taking actions as a mod. I understand you have no motive other than doing what the club has asked of you and for it you take unfounded criticism.

Seth, we all know you have the ability to cut deep with your words. Doing so does nothing to alleviate volatile situations. While we all know you prefer not to sugar coat your remarks, please try to refrain.

The current BoD made a big effort this year to make this a more enjoyable place for all. Please don't work to undo what progress we have made.