My MH fixture came in what?


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I have been running PCs for several years now, but I just bought a halide fixture. What do I need to do to acclimate my corals to the brighter light? I have softies, LPS, and a few SPS.

some people raise the light to about 10 inches and every two days lower it an inch or so to their desired height. Another way to do it is have the halides on for a few hours per day lengthing the cycle over a week to the full 8-10 hrs.
That's great. Thanks! I think I'll have to try the time adjust method. Will my corals be okay under the PC lights in the mean time? They are two 96 watt actinics. I also have a 12,000K bulb that I could switch out with one of the actinics, but as it stands now, there are the two actinics.
I used screen and eggcrate. I cut a piece of eggcrate to cover the top of the tank and then bought a roll of window screen at HD. I used 2 layers of screen for like 4 days and then peeled 1 off. Then I used 1 layer for another 4 days. Depending on how big the difference in light you may want to do 3 layers of screen.
hmmmmm......that's interesting. I might look into something like that.

I went from PC to Halides without any adjusting and all my corals are doing great never had a problem with any of them. Just my 2 cents...
i went from 350W to no light for 4 days then to 984W with absolutely no acclimation, not even as to shorten the photoperiod. what I get? All my corals are getting a florscent pigment to deal with the massive amount of UV, and it grows alot quicker.
Wow. I thought I would absolutely have to acclimate my corals to the light, but I guess not.

Thanks guys!
It's always safer to acclimate... Ive burnt corals just by replacing current MH bulbs. I personally usually do ON for a couple hours and increase time over the period or a week or two. Plus, I'm just lazy and dont like keeping screen on top of my tank and paying for electricity that Im just blocking anyway.
I think when I origionally moved from PC to MH I did:
Day 1: 3Hrs MH
Day 2: 3Hrs MH
Day 3: 4Hrs MH
Day 4: 4Hrs MH
Day 5: 5Hrs MH
Day 6: 5Hrs MH
Day 7: 5Hrs MH
Day 8: 6Hrs MH
Day 9: 7Hrs MH
Day 10: 8Hrs MH
Day 11: 8Hrs MH
Day 12: 8Hrs MH
Day 13: 8Hrs MH
Day 14: 9Hrs MH

Just make sure you monitor the reaction to your corals on a daily basis. If you see any signs of bleaching, RTN, No polyp extension, etc. then hold off on increasing time or lower the corals in the tank (or both). Pay attention to the temperature of the tank as well... Every system, biotope and coral can react differently. You just never know...
Good luck!
Go with the screen method Brad. It's easy and works great. Make sure get the fiberglass screen thought. So, how's the fixture? Did you go with the fixture we talked about?
Tony's timeline for the time acclimation looks good also. but keep a close eye on your tank for those frst 3 hours.
What size tank is it? I have the piece of eggcrate and some screen that you can use if you want to come get it. I am in Acworth near the Marietta border. The eggcrate fit over my 58G. It is the fiberglass screen also.
Sorry guys. I posted this thread, and then got super busy! I didn't mean to abandon it.

This is great info. y'all have given me. Now I'm torn between the screen method and the time method. I agree with Tony about the laziness and the wasted electricity. I may come get that from you Darren. Let me think about it a little more, and I'll let you know. My tank is a 44 gallon flat-back hex. Because of that, the fixture is actually going to hang over in the areas where the hex takes shape. (Don't really have a way around that.)

Yeah AJ, I ended up going with the fixture we talked about. It looks like it is really well built, and the ballast isn't nearly as big as the previous models.

Does anyone have any thoughts about my question with the actinics being the only light on the tank when the halide is out?

Thanks everyone!!!
Yeah Brad, you'll definitely have to come by and see it when I get the lights all set up. Don't worry......nothing to move this least I don't think so!