My skimmer isn't working


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Yesterday my skimmer stopped pumping. The pump is running but its just not pumping or cycling. Therefore I figure I need just another pump. My question is can I buy just a pump or would it be possible for those types of pumps to be fixed? Any advice?
First of all what kind of pump is it? In general you can take the pump off and soak it in vinegar and water for a few hours. Sometimes build up and cause a pump to seize. Take it apart and check to see if it just needs a new impellar or magnet. I wouldn't jsut toss it yet. I have brought many a pump back to life with a good cleaning!
yeah, just take it apart andclean it. Soak in vinegar. See if u can get it to run in tap water.
Mine did that after the air hose became clogged. I cleaned it where it connected to the pump and it started working again.