My SW Tank


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Hello, my name is Johnny and I'm an addict. I've been in this hobby for a little for about a year and a half. My first saltwater tank was a 37g. It was infested with hair algae so I decided to break it down and upgrade to a bigger tank. I bought this 120g non-drilled tank from an ARC member about a year ago for $250. It came with 2x 175w MH, sump 20g i think, stand, canopy, and a berlin tripple pass skimmer.

1x yellow tang
1x power brown tang
2x clowns
1x yellow tail damsel
1x blue velvet damsel (i hate him, he's the reason i can't keep any soft coral) he ate all my zoas and zenia
1x domino damsel
1x coral beauty
1x bicolor angel
1x pistol shrimp
1x cleaner shrimp
1x coral banded shrimp
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Sweeeet! :up: I have a 120 also. How long has it been up an running? How much live rock do you have?
I think a little more than 100 lbs. It has been up for about 1 year, but for some reason I don't have any coraline algae growing on my glass. I'm looking to upgrade the skimmer and add two t5 54w actinics bulbs.
I have a 120 also. What does your equipment look like since the aquarium isnt drilled? Just curious about the differences.

The tank looks really good though!
coraline can be a real PITA, i have only had my tank set up for a month and half, and its already got coraline all over the glass, scraping sucks.
Just get a mag float and wipe it down daily. It only takes about a minute and keeps you from having to scrape.
@">littlej2455</a>: I have an overflow box with two 1" pvc outlet and a Mag 9.5 return pump. For flow I have one maxijet 1200 pumping along the back wall and one Seio 1500 pumping from the right back corner.

I just added a Yellow Tang and Vlamingi Tang.
Just lost a powder brown tang and a bi color angel over night. The power brown tang had ich t but was active and eating last night but was on the bottom of the tank a few hours ago. As for the bi-color angel, I don't know what happened to it. It just disappeared.

Does anyone know of an effective method to treating ich in a reef system? Are there any marine fish that are not susceptible to contracting ich?
Do you have any problems with your pistol shrimp and the others? I've heard the pistol doesn't get along very well with other shrimp... Thanks!
No the pistol shrimp is in one end of the tank in his cave. The other two is on the opposite side. The coral banded shrimp and cleaner shrimp first bother each other.
I have another problem. I have a velvet blue damsel that's turning white. Does anyone know what's causing him to do this?
Wow! That has really come far in a year and a half. Still running the same 175w's? Did you ever find out about that fish? What did you do to upgrade the flow? Are those MP40's? I see you finally got your coraline on back glass. :up:
WOW, you tank looks great. I hope mine will look close to that this time next year. I also upgraded from a 36 bowfront to a 125 gallon. Mine is also not drilled and run 2 AquaClear 110's. Thinking about getting a sump for it next.