My Xenia Are Shrinking


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I have read where Xenia prefer dirtier water, and its really hit and miss with these guys. Since I fired up my G3 skimmer a while back, I have noticed a definite reduction in their size.

If this is indeed the cause, what can I do about it. Should I NOT run my skimmer 24/7? I really like the xenia and want to keep them... maybe get some more.

What other factors should I consider?

Please help!
You are probably overskimming your 75 with a G3. You could trade it to me for a G2 ;) , or, put it on a timer and skim only at night or something until you have a bigger bioload/need for it.
I knew the G3 was overkill...but I wanted to be proactive. I am sure I will step up to a larger tank one day. The G-3 and my 40 gallon breeder sump will allow me to step up maybe to a 120 without upgrading much equipment. If I ever find a 120 tall (48"), all I will need is the tank and the stand. (one day).

If I cut back on will I know to adjust to an increase in bio-load. Nitrates???
Yeah, that's what I'd probably do. Just skim 12 hours a day and see if it improves your corals.
I put my skimmer on a timer and my xenias came back. I run the skimmer @14 hours a day.
Yeah, I like that idea too! I'm trying!!!

I guess its the POM POM. Brownish pulsating type. I will post a pic later.

No SPS? Err...uhh... I dont thinks so.
Xenia and shrooms is all I have right now.