Mystery Wrasse


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Do any LFS have Mystery Wrasse?
I found one with good price $90 at I have never bought fishes online

Einstein has them pretty often, you're gonna pay more, but you know where the fish is coming from.
vista;293897 wrote: Do any LFS have Mystery Wrasse?
I found one with good price $90 at I have never bought fishes online


That seems like a crazy low price to me, compared to what I've seen in the past. Does the site list the size of the fish at purchase? I've noticed a lot of sites sell cheaper than LFS's, but you get a much smaller specimen than you would from the LFS. Plus, you have to factor in the cost of the shipping, and some sites have minimum orders and stuff.

Steve;293904 wrote: Einstein has them pretty often, you're gonna pay more, but you know where the fish is coming from.

Agreed. If I'm going to pay that much for a fish, I'd rather not buy it sight unseen.
after looking at this picture, I change my mind. I think this fish is evil. it ates cleaner shrimp. see a photo below: (not my photo)
I think I saw one at Aquarium Center yesterday. Was a bit more than $90 though....
...and Tim beat me to the punch...

I was just going to post that he frequently has them in stock, at prices pretty close to what you were quoting from the online place.
Agreed. I have had mystery wrasse and love them. BUT, they will eat all shrimp and harass other fish to death in smaller tanks. If I had a large tank, I may try one, but they are DEVILS!!
I have had one for 3 years.....never ate a shrimp or crab.....never harassed a fish......

they are the best looking wrasse, period....and if you find on like Tim has it priced, I would be bee-lining straight over there...

I paid cheapest $135 and up to $200 for the ones I have had
washowi;294325 wrote: I have had one for 3 years.....never ate a shrimp or crab.....never harassed a fish......

they are the best looking wrasse, period....and if you find on like Tim has it priced, I would be bee-lining straight over there...

I paid cheapest $135 and up to $200 for the ones I have had
3 years? I thought you wanted the one I had for sale a year ago...
I have had MANY mystery fact over my my aquatic lifetime. I have had 4 of these fish.....and have been in 2 of my 3 tanks.... OK maybe not quite 3 years...but so the F what? So I am not allowed to have more than one? Yep I wanted yours..It been a while.
lol. +1 mvm.

Anyways, the invert eating isn't much of a concern for me either as I don't care for shrimp/hermits anyways as they're always stealing food from my LPS... grrr. I've got 16 wrasses in my tank and quite a few of them are not "invert safe"... yet sadly they still leave the theiving crustaceans alone :sad:.

The problem though with the mystery wrasse and most of the wrasses in that genus is that once they reach full maturity they become very territorial and aggressive against conspecifics. It takes some time for them to get to that stage so clearly some people just may not be able to keep their fish alive long enough to witness that and report on it. Rest assured though if you can keep it alive long enough you may one day want to kill it yourself :).

Keep in mind the fish is just doing what's natural to it... staking a claim to an area and keeping it free from competition. It's not a bad fish and it is quite striking but there are prettier imo that don't have its long term issues.