naked feather duster?


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I got a feather duster from a LFS the other day. It was fine for a day or so and then it crawled out of its tube. It's been laying on the sand wiggling around for days now. I put a little sand over it at the advise of a LFS employee, but it just wiggled itself out of the sand . Any advise? Is it OK?
At the LFS they have a number of them that had already left their tubes, but I picked one on purpose that was in his tube. Is this normal behavior? It is a lime green duster about 2 1/2 inches long
I haven't dosed with calcium in this tank. Its just recently been set up and I don't have any stony corals in it, but I do have calcium. I'll put some in the tank tonight. Thanks, I wouldn't have thought of that.
Ya, Feather dusters do this under very high stress. There is little that can be done to help them, they will either survive or not. I hate to say, most of the time they do not. Just leave him be and let him try to build his own home again. They are amazing creatures and can do some awesome things.
I had one of my feather dusters seperate his head (the feather part) from his tube and over the next couple of days the tube almost completely disintegrated. I though for sure he was a gonner but I raised my calcium levels and within a week he had a new tube and a new head albeit a bit smaller. So, I would definitely keep your calcium a bit higher than normal......also feed some Phyto. Good luck.