Nano Cube 28G 150MH - Progress


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Hello Everyone,

I decided to start a thread on my JBJ Nano Cube. I started it when I graduated school back in May of 2010. Before that, I had a 3 gallon Picotope that I ran in the fraternity house for a year before I graduated. Here is a break down on everything so far.

First off here are a link to the pictures of the tank, these include photos from 6 months in to pics from Sep 2012. I will always be trying to add photos to this same album on google."></a>

[B]Nano Cube:[/B]
-27lbs of Fiji LR
- 150W MH running Phoenix 14k bulb.
-Replaced Stock water pumps to Maxi Jet 1200s
-Set wave maker to switch between the two pumps every 4 minutes.
-Temperature between 79-80 degrees
-150W Heater (never runs because the 150W MH)
-1/10th HP JBJ Chiller
-I have been using SeaChem Water from Creations Reef for all these years
-2 Koralia Nano 240 gph power heads (removed now got an MP10)
-5 gallon water changes every 1-1.5 weeks, and dose with a half cap of Purple Up

[B]Center Back Middle Chamber:[/B]
-stock pump moves water to the chiller
-1 bag of Phosban (replace every 3 months)
-1 bag of charcoal (rated for 30 gallons) (replace monthly)
-1 bunch of filter floss (replace weekly)

[B]Hanging On The Back:[/B]
CPR Aquafuge 2- Medium
Water runs into this from the chiller then flows back into the far right chamber in the back. This holds Brightwell Aquatics KoraLagoon Substrat Aragonite Refugium Substrate 1.4 kg. / 3.1 lbs., then I have cheato that has been growing ever since. I also put extra plugs for my future frags. I run a light on the back that runs opposite to the DT lights. I did this to help balance the Ph of the water.

[B]Inhabitants: [/B]
1-Watchman Goby
2- Blue Chromis

1 – Cleaner Shrimp
1 – Pom Pom Crab
1 – Tiger Pistol Shrimp (aka Bulldozer he moves so much sand around!)
5 – Blue/Whtie Legged Hermit Crabs
1 – Emerald Crab (brought him in to take care of my bubble algea)

1 – Yellow Birdsnest Coral, I purchased this from a member two years ago,
2 – Orange Montipora
1 – Green Montipora
Tons – Pulsing Pink Xenia, I will be thinning the heard soon.
2 – Acan Colonies
1 – Green Favia Colony
1 – Blue Acro Colony

[B]Recently (Last 3 months):[/B]
I began keeping a paper log of water changes, when I would dose with extra elements or anything else that I do to the tank.
-MP10 I got this as a birthday gift for myself. I run this on the Reef Crest mode at about 80%.
-At the start of the summer I began to use Dr. Gs phytoplankton. Now, when I need more at the LFS I try to either grab the Dr.Gs or DT’s. I have seen great coral growth especially with my sps.
-I will be looking to switch my lighting system from the MH to an LED system probably after Christmas. I’ve been eye balling the Rapid LED Retro Nano Solderless Dimmable Kit. I look forward to this upgrade most especially as it should lower the temperature of the tank.

Along the way I have had some lessons learned. The biggest one (August 2011) was always keep your fresh water and salt water jugs very separated during a water change! The day before a week long family vacation, I did a water change. Except when it came time to put the water back into the tank I used a whole 5 gallon jug of Fresh instead:eek:. I lost two colonies of coral because of this and my watchman Goby developed some black spots on him that have never gone away. I tried my best to do everything I could to get the tank back to normal conditions before I left. I was only somewhat successful. So now I take extra precautions not to make simple mistakes.
Besides that, if it’s not broken, I try not to fix it. My belief is to keep it as constant as possible. Hopefully there will be more post to come on the progression of this eco system. Until then, let me know what you think or if you have any questions! Happy Reefing!
