nano fish


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i have a 30g and my fire fish has gone MIA. so the only thing in my tank is my maroon clown. any ideas on what i should put in next? i have a 26 gal sump/ fuge and skimmer. how many other fish can i get?
I have 3 in my 24g - maroon clown, diamond goby, and sixline wrasse - I would not reccommend any more than 4 posibbly 5.
I think I six line wrasse would be a natural choice. Small benefical fish.

You know? It's too bad Dory (of finding nemo fame) wasn't a six line wrasse. Think how many Tangs wouldn't have lost their lives to newbies
a coral beauty angel. that is when or if ur tank is 6 months old. i love mine. he is not shy at all.
A Scooter Blenny would be a great addition!
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Fish in my 24g Aquapod: Clown (false perc), yellow clown goby, yellow watchman goby, blue chromis and a six line. They are all great but I think the six line is our current favorite.

I have a coral beauty in my 55, but keep in mind that they don't have a good track record if you plan to keep SPSs, at least that's my understanding. The one in my tank leaves my softies alone. I'm also not sure how he would be in a smaller tank, liveaquaria recomends 30g minimum so you could be okay. I think mine would be unhappy though.
mine does not pick at any corals but he or she is not for sale. i love this fish.
I'm not sure why people always recommend the six-line wrasse for small tanks. There are plenty of other wrasse that would do well in smaller tanks like any of the many beautiful flasher wrasses. The six-line and its ilk are some of the meaner wrasses around and can be problematic with new additions when they occur.
I've honestly never heard that before, but I've not been in the hobby that long. Liveaquaria lists them as peaceful though and i've not had any problems with mine.

Which ones were you thinking of?

My favorite is the blue line...but definitely not a candidate for a nano.

FutureInterest;63790 wrote: I'm not sure why people always recommend the six-line wrasse for small tanks. There are plenty of other wrasse that would do well in smaller tanks like any of the many beautiful flasher wrasses. The six-line and its ilk are some of the meaner wrasses around and can be problematic with new additions when they occur.
Have you ever tried to add another wrasse to your tank? The sixline will in all likelyhood destroy it. They are great with other fish, but if its similar in appearance to a wrasse it may turn very aggressive. My tank is wrasse dominant with 7 soon to be 9 of them running around and if I ever added a lined wrasse like the 6line or a mystery I probably wouldn't be able to add any other wrasse... The last thing you want is your 20 dollar six line killing your new 300 dollar rhomboid wrasse...

So if you're not planning on getting more wrasse or wrasse-like fish in the future they should work out just fine. I think they're great fish: they have utility, are extremely beautiful, and quite cost effective. They just happen to be one of the more territorial of the wrasses... which is not a big deal to everyone.