Nano idea?


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So, I'm thinking of a few orange/green polyps attached to live rock. I have a resource for live sand, but I recently saw some pre-mixed salt water in my LFS (Petco). Was hoping to get feedback on this ready made salt water, if anyone out there has used this before (again, from Petco, lol ). Other than that, I plan to use the stock pump and heater that came with the fluval edge, upgraded MR16 LED lighting, and nano power head. My intent is to allow this setup to run for some months, while doing 20% water changes each week, prior to adding a damsel or two. Any insight regarding this idea would certainly be helpful!
Lots of our sponsor stores sell pre-mixed salt water, and it will be a better quality than the stuff in a box at Petco (I think that is like $12 for 4 gallons!!!).

The Fluval Edge is like 6 gallons, right? There is a member here that did a build with one of those, but I think it's too small for a damsel. You could probably do a goby or shrimp/goby combo just fine, though, or a bunch of sexy shrimp or other cool snails and low light corals.
Majority of the LFS (see our sponsers) carry salt water. It's also more than likely of better quality. Do your research and prepare for expansion....such as adding corals. If your looking for a FOWLR, you just need the LR and filtration along with the sand of your choice (skimmer never hurts). Go a lot.
Thanks gentlemen! I'll be checking out the sponsors here shortly. Goby/shrimp sounds nice and the fluval is 6g, weaglereefer. I'm not sure what FOWLR stands for coolsurf, but from the requirements you listed, it does sound like what I'm looking for, lol.
FOWLR...short for fish only with live rock.

Yes, you do meet the requirements. I can help with some polyps when your ready if you need some. The shrimp/goby is a nice set that is fun to watch.
Indeed, shrimp are cool. And you could splurge on the "fancy" hermit crabs or snails if you wanted (halloween or zebra hermits, or ninja star snails, etc).
Ok cool! Figured I'd start as simple as possible and find my flow with keeping the water parameters in check. Gonna check out a couple of the sponsor's stores this weekend to look at some live rock. I'm familiar with Petland in Dunwoody and I'd really like to visit Blue Planet/Marine Designs. Really appreciate the offer coolsurf and I'll definitely stay in touch with you. The hermits/snails sound like they're up my alley as well. I'm going to read up on them and go from there. I'm set on the goby/shrimp combo when it's ready for them though! Thanks again, you all have been extremely helpful and I look forward to sharing my setup with you.