Nano Newbie


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So this is My first reef tank, and I did tons of research before getting into it. There was definitely a learning curve but I think I am doing okay so far. The hardest part so far is trying to stay on a budget, since I'm still in college and have very little disposable income. This setup is currently in my dorm room, so I don't really have much more space for a larger tank.


Fluval Edge 5 Gallon
Aquaclear 20 filter with purigen, and stock carbon, ceramic discs, and sponge
15 pounds black sand
150 gph powerhead
Heater- Haven't had to use yet, haha
5 pounds of LR.
Beamswork LED Lights- Modded the lighting to fit the hood. (The lights aren't that great, looking for cheap upgrade)

Snowflake Clown
Cleaner Shrimp
Pistol Shrimp
2 nassarius snails
3 cerith snails
a bunch of stomatella snails (they keep breeding)

Green Candy Cane
Kenya Tree
Green Mushroom
Torch Coral
Radioactive green zoas
Eagle Eye zoas
King Midas Zoas
Spiderman Zoas
some brown palys

New Corals I may have to get rid of. (not sure if appropriate in my tank)
Chalice Frag
Flowerpot Frag (I think)

Progress pics:
First set up -
After Cycling-
About a month ago-

So far the tank has been great, I really want to add a pop of color, but I feel like the lighting I have really has been washing out the colors of my coral, not to say they are becoming bleached, but more of they are not as beautiful as they can be. The other issue I have had is slow growth of my LPS, the candy cane and torch haven't grown at all since I got them, 2 months ago. I'm not sure if this is normal, or I am having tank issues. I would love any advice from experienced reefers! I am also open to any free or cheap frag donations :D Thanks for looking!
Welcome to the forum.
Sounds like your off to a great star , how long has the takn been up and running.
I cut my teeth on a small pico reef much like yours. I did that for almost a year before finding my way to the ARC.
As for your color pop have you considered adding more blue lighting in the 450-470nm spectrum , it would bring out the natural irredesance of the coral.
As for the lps , it can sometimes take a wile to adjust to the tank and that may be why your not seeing growth.
Also It's harder keeping water parameters consistent on smaller tanks because unlike a larger system one drop too much of a chemical or additive or med can make a big difference.
So every water change (although small) can potentially irritate the coral making them re adjust after every wc .
I mixed up 5g at a time for my pico and did a 1/2 gal a week , by mixing it all at once my chemistry was in sinc .
That may or may not help you , but thought it worth mentioning.
Consistent water chemistry is going to be vital in that small of a system because there is no room for error , invest in good test kits when you can afford it , stay away from API reef master kits , its probably to most widely sold useless item sold to ppl new to the hobby.
I have some nuclear green Button polyps and some mint green/orange zoa's I cut off a rock the other day i can give to you along with a clump of yellow polyps I can cut off for you , and a Pandora paly or something else .
It's nothing to rite home about , but your very welcome to them if you'd like .
You could come over some day and see the cube .
I live in Conyers just off I 20 @ Salem rd .
It's a little drive from Emory but if you find your self on the E20 side hit me up - Terry
Hey Terry!

Thanks so much for all the advice, I think I will be upgrading to a Par 30 bulb as soon as I can save up some money for it. I also had a question, I currently buy my saltwater from the store, because I live in a dorm, so its hard for me to get DI water and mix my own water. Would it be a good idea to supplement my tank with additives or just keep up with the water changes? I currently do a gallon change per week, so about 20% or so. And everything seems okay for the mostpart.

I come down that way pretty often actually! I would love to come by one day! I'll shoot you a PM with my info!

Thanks again!
Personally I think water changes should be enough. Testing will let you know for sure though.
I would be very careful dosing in a 5 gallon tank. Water changes are your best bet.

That being said, kent nano part a and part b would be the only thing I would consider dosing. I do it in my 8 gallon. The issue is that every tank will use up or precipitate cal alk and mag at different rates, so without testing, you don't know what the results are.

There's an "easy" dosing method on the bottle that does not require testing, but I have decided that is probably not the best method and am now holding out for some decent kits.

You really don't know what you're getting from the store though, either. As far as water chemistry goes.

A refractometer is also a must for testing salinity, and you could probably find a good deal on a used one in the drygoods and livestock forum if you keep an eye out. I was luck enough to be given one. Take it slow, and consider the equipment you invest in. I'm the perfect example of a reefer on a budget, so understand that I know exactly what you are getting in to. It will cost you, but make wise investments and it will cost you less. If something is widely regarded as crappy equipment, save up for something better (or end up buying twice).

You're going to upgrade to a larger tank as well. It's inevitable. You'll run out of space fast. A tiny nano is like a plus for someone who has experience and usually owns a larger setup. Those who always start small usually go through a series of upgrades. A 29 gallon may be your best bet, you'll have space for more stuff and a little bit better water chemistry. But don't think I'm knocking the 5g either!

In a couple years, your fish will be too big as well, it's just typically inevitable and I'm giving you a heads up.

The spotlighting is pretty bad with that light, huh. Just remember LED isn't the only option.

Edit: And... Welcome to the ARC!!
Just a tip to the college reefer - Atlanta's metro water supply is pretty clean. You could make it fly with a Zerowater pitcher if up-front $'s the limiting factor (plus it will save you trip time). On nano's & picos frequent 10-20% water changes carry the day over dosing products, and quality salt mix is waaaaay less expensive even if doing 2 changes per week on an Edge.

I've run my 9-gallon off one here in Roswell for the past 2 years - typically swap out filters once they consistently read 1-2ppm (get about 4-6 months of reefing water + normal drinking use out of each one) and it comes with a cheapie TDS tester. If getting serious about SPS I'd recommend upgrading to a full RODI rig, but for softies, macro and most LPS I've encountered this has worked well.
I'd follow the above advice regarding doseing , that could go bad fast
I actually bought pre mixed water as well when I had my pico , it was cheaper and easier than filters and salt mix and mixing stations to make up 1-2 gallons a week.
But the benefit out ways the cost on a bigger system.
Shoot me a message when your heading to this side of town , I look forward to meeting you
Thanks so much everyone for the advice! I have learned an important lesson this week about buying from a cheap LFS, don't trust them. I found out that the corals I picked up from them for really cheap are not very suitable for my tank. I feel bad getting something if it is not going to have a chance. I'll try and meet someone up to possibly trade for some easier frags to take care of.
Hey everyone, I was wondering what this dark stuff is growing in my tank? It's kind of difficult to scrape off, I even tried a tooth brush. Any ideas??
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The purple stuff on your rocks? Coralline algae. It's desired in a reef tank on the rocks. Should be scrubbed off glass obviously
The purple stuff on your rocks? Coralline algae. It's desired in a reef tank on the rocks. Should be scrubbed off glass obviously

No, not that stuff haha the other black looking stuff. I know its not coralline because its semi,soft and I can pick at it with my fingernail.