naso tang


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Can someone help please I'm been having this naso for about two years and today he looks like this any idea of what is this he ate a little bit today I mix some metronidazole with he's food sure don't want to loose this guy.
Any suggestions thank you.
Have you got any anemones, Euphyllia corals, or Rabbitfish in your tank? Might be a sting. I was going to initially stay he might have gotten into it with another Tang, but don't see any slash marks. That looks like a surface injury to me, not a parasite, etc. But I'll be the first to admit that fish diseases are not my strong point, knowledge wise.
I have two rock anemone s and a huge pink hammer and he use to sleep very close to the hummer and one rock anemone could that be what sting the fish?
Any new additions to the tank lately?

I'm not exactly sure what that is... but I have seen it before, and frequently it doesn't end well. I'm not sure if it's bacterial in nature, or a protozoan or what, but we'd see it occasionally on newly arrived fish.... which is why I'm asking about new acquisitions.

If you've had this guy for a couple of years, the likely culprit would be a newer fish that carried it in.

When we would see it in newly arrived fish, I chalked it up to something resulting from shipping stress and/or fouled bag water. They have pretty thin skin... which makes them easy targets for protozoans and such.

Listen to Jenn on this, not me. If it were me, I would observe and if it gets worse, look into it further. I 99% for sure could not catch my Naso either way, so in my 465 it would just have to play out whatever the issue is.

If you see the tissue starting to clear up, it was probably a sting. A protozoan infection probably would only get worse if left alone.
O I know she is very good she has help me in the past
I'm very concern about blonde naso he's my favorite fish
It looks like the spots are getting bigger very fast
Send your images over to the kindly folks at and see what diagnosis they offer.

I personally wouldn't waste my money on Melafix.
McPhock;955588 wrote:

I personally wouldn't waste my money on Melafix.

It worked for me. Maybe you didn't stop filtration during treatment like you were supposed to.
I wouldn't use Melafix either. It's an oil. It will cause a nifty oil slick and it smells neat but that's about it.

I don't think it's a sting because it's all over, not just in a localized area.

Wake up this morning and he was dead don't know what was it whatever was it kill my blonde very fast I hate to loose this beautiful fish after two years is sad I'm thinking was my rock anemone can't think of anything else all other fish doing great.
This what it looks after taking out of tank.
I'm sorry for your loss :( Wish I'd been wrong about that.

Keep a close eye on your other fish.

So sorry about your loss. Whatever it was, I would guess it was too far along by the time you noticed it to be able to do anything about. I have six tangs in my 465, and once in a while one gets a slash from fighting, but they usually heal .
This one went very fast it started yesterday morning and it dye this morning