Need an ID if possible.


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I think they're beautiful but I'd like to know exactly what they are... Anyone? I don't think they're hidden cup corals since they are larger than those and are branching out instead of being embedded. Clearly a close relative at least... or perhaps something more common or rare? Pure white though is hard to come by in a reef tank and I've been searching for something similar for a while to fill in my coral color pallet.

I have quite a bit of live rock that has these all over them. Wish I knew the name though.
Prolly a hidden cup coral is what you've seen. They don't get as big as these though and are typically embedded... I dunno for certain though.
You are probably right, but they do appear to be growing in length as well, out and away from the rock. I actually have 3 or 4 types that seem to be growing on the rock I get from the keys.
Yep sometimes they do grow out but they should cap at around 8mm or so in diameter and these are bigger. Regardless, you should start fragging those things and selling em. They are stunning imo for their color alone or lack thereof. Such a snow white coloration is not common in the trade.
You guys might have two different things. Jin, I don't think I've ever seen these before and they look like they have a calcium base otherwise I would have said with the balls on the ends they look similar to the Caribbean Corallimorph, Pseudocorynactis spp.

Fish Scales2, check out the Caribbean Corallimorph, since you have lots of them, I'd bet at least some of them are these.
Looks very similar to a cup coral to me... but there are a few similar relatives that it could be as well. I had something very similar a while back and I concluded it had to be from one of these genus': Phyllangia, Cladacora, or Astrangia. Pretty cool coral though. The only other person I'd ever seen have anything similar was Anand (Suasati).
I have lots of cup coral on my live rock....more embedded than branching out-I have several on a couple LR....did some research and found that i have Caryophyllia Smithi (they are more on the white/clear side than tan) but also check out.....Balanophyllia - found that colors vary. :)

Noti get a photo of yours as they came from me. Some are Balanophyllia but none are carribean coralimophs. Some of mine are 3/4 of an inch in lengh and width and still growing.
Here are some pictures of cup coral that i have.....

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one with my flame cardinal hiding in the cave:)
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Noti those definitely look like hidden cup corals. I think I'll have to drop by your store fish scales and check on more of these lil hitchhikers.