Need cyano advise


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Haven’t had cyano in any of my systems in forever. Everything in tank fine, alk cal mg pH all good and stable. Water changes regularly. But now getting a smattering of cyano and dreaded briopsis:(((((
Used ATI nitrates=0
Hannah Checker ULP=0
Nyos phosphates highly detectable=0
Red Sea nitrates and phosphates=0
Preferably non chemical more natural choices if possible. Thank you.
Water changes every two weeks 15% volume of system. Large refugium with multiple macro algae. Protein skimmer and a Clarisea SK5000.
And occasionally will run floss.
I don't have personal experience with roller mats, I from what I understand is that a lot of people that use them find that their skimmer production goes down because the roller is so efficient. Combine a really efficient roller mats with a good skimmer and a well stocked refugium and BOOM no nutrients.

What I would recommend is to trim back the refugium a bit, maybe even adjust the lighting schedule to be a few hours shorter. You can operate the skimmer on a schedule as well. I found that when I had a large refugium I had to turn off the skimmer for 6 hours a day to be able to have nutrients.

Doing either of the two suggestions will not fix anything quickly. Once thing you can do is manually remove the cyano with a hose and a siphon, put the hose in a filter sock so that you can reuse the water.
I will try to cut back and get some nutrients measurable- i thought I was feeding enough to compensate because usually i am a huge overfeeder :(
Cyano is a pain, I feel for you.

Yeah, I dislike many of the chemical approaches, such as Chemiclean or Erythromycin. Plus they kill some beneficial organisms, like sponges, quickly. I think you’re taking a good approach by first cutting your feedings to begin to starve out the cyano. Unfortunately, I don’t foresee this solving the problem entirely, only mitigating the intensity of the outbreaks.

It may be grasping at straws, but I have heard people swear by Links Gobies, that they will actively graze on cyano not only in the sand, but also in the rockwork. Again, it won’t solve your problem, but it could potentially help. Also, I don’t have any firsthand experience with these guys... just what I heard.

Here’s a link for reference. (Haha, pun!)
Just remeasured nitrate using Red Sea Pro kit and nitrate=2 and phosphate=0
I do use All for Reef - maybe that is an issue?
The issue is improperly balanced low nutrient levels.
Yes, so now Trying to determine best way to put it back in balance as naturally as possible and need advice best how to do that without throwing anything else out of wack if possible.
Hate to say it, but it’s that time of year. Back in the day I use to say it on the old forum, seems it still holds true. I’d really like to know if Boyd’s sees a surge in sales this time of year. I’m sure there’s an answer to it other than that, but every year around this time it seems more folks than not have to deal with it. Over the last 3 days my 50 gal has blossomed with it as well, not a trace of it prior to that. :rolleyes:
Hate to say it, but it’s that time of year. Back in the day I use to say it on the old forum, seems it still holds true. I’d really like to know if Boyd’s sees a surge in sales this time of year. I’m sure there’s an answer to it other than that, but every year around this time it seems more folks than not have to deal with it. Over the last 3 days my 50 gal has blossomed with it as well, not a trace of it prior to that. :rolleyes:
Did not have a drop visible for months and months and months and now boom just started to see bits in display tank only- so trying to get ahead of it now.... was thinking of dosing some KZ bacteria with coral snow but did not want to mess up anything else.
@bigd as closed up as our houses try to be do you think it has anything to do with spring pollen?
Not sure if it helps, but here is my cyano experience from last year The Chemiclean worked amazingly - the stuff I did otherwise not so much.

I had a huge cyano problem last year and almost lost everything, not from the cyano, but what I did to fight the cyano. My cyano was due to high nutrient levels from heavy feeding, heavy loading, and reduced water changes. I battled it for a few months with reduced feeding, reduced lighting, and excessively vacuuming in the DT. The weekly water changes were doubled and all water removed was by vacuum. I also heavily cleaned cleaned my primary fuge at one point.

The cyano got to a severe point at which time I tried Chemiclean. The Chemiclean did the trick on the cyano, but there were other consequences from my own actions. Before adding Chemiclean I did a huge water change per directions. The problem was that I cleaned my secondary fuge before adding Chemiclean - at that time one third of the system volume.

I had never cleaned my secondary fuge/storage before and it was slap full of detritus. I meant to take it offline first with the valves set up for that exact purpose but forgot. I stirred everything up when I cleaned it - removing and rinsing all rock and vacuuming all sand. Even with a vacuum I could not see my hands in the tank. I am fairly certain this massive nutrient release coupled with the immediately reduced bacteria filtration was my system’s demise - not the Chemiclean.

My pH shot up, reaching higher numbers than I have heard of in marine systems, which took its toll on many inhabitants - over half of them. To make matters worst my ph probes had drifted out of calibration, so I did not identify the problem at first.

After realizing my mistake and taking appropriate actions, everything settled down in a few weeks. I calibrated my probes, resumed increased water changes, used vinegar to bring the pH down. I am now back to normal water changes but The pH never balanced out correctly - I still dose a lot of vinegar to this day. I setup my apex to turn off the lights if the pH gets too high and to dose vinegar if it gets higher. I also took my 240 gallon secondary fuge offline, primarily to reduce the water change volumes.

Not a drop of cyano remains and the tank, rocks, sand, etc are always crystal clean other than the never ending bacteria strings formed by heavy vinegar dosing. The lights go off a few times a day and I use almost a gallon of vinegar every week in my-now reduced 400 gallon system.

I am not sure this is helpful, but that is my nightmare experience with cyano, or more so with wildly excessive cleaning. Be careful how aggressive you get with cleaning. I am not promoting Chemiclean here, just advising caution with excessive cleaning.
Since my phosphate was undetectable compared to my Nitrates at 2 with Red Sea kits, I took steps as advised to try to approach the Redfield ratio and raise the detectable phosphate. I also decided to use KZ products coral snow and their bacteria. I have had good results with KZ before as a more natural method of bringing things slowly in
line in my tanks . Hoping I will see some results slowly over time. Will monitor to try and keep ahead of things Since only seeing a small smattering of cyano. I did have one change since this has been going on that probably threw the tank out of balance- I stopped adding Heisenberg phyto dosing on a daily basis these past few weeks- with the stay at home social distancing etc. I think this was enough to disturb my balance in the system.
Nitrates running 3 Red Sea and phosphates 0.03 Hannah ULR checker consistently for last week. Cyano still in hard to reach spots as well as some few patches of green algae also in hard to clean spots in DT. Added some more CUC in forms of snails and hermits. Still doing water changes. Using KZ cyano/coral snow. Any other suggestions?
Since my phosphate was undetectable compared to my Nitrates at 2 with Red Sea kits, I took steps as advised to try to approach the Redfield ratio and raise the detectable phosphate. I also decided to use KZ products coral snow and their bacteria. I have had good results with KZ before as a more natural method of bringing things slowly in
line in my tanks . Hoping I will see some results slowly over time. Will monitor to try and keep ahead of things Since only seeing a small smattering of cyano. I did have one change since this has been going on that probably threw the tank out of balance- I stopped adding Heisenberg phyto dosing on a daily basis these past few weeks- with the stay at home social distancing etc. I think this was enough to disturb my balance in the system.
Good evening Shari, how are you doing with your low nitrates and phosphates? Did you get them balanced out using the KZ products, I ask because now I have bottomed out my nitrates and phosphates!
Everything is Back to bring balanced now in my system. KZ products worked well in controlling cyano- very minimal spots now so it is almost completely gone. Do still have hair algae that the CUC is working on, so hoping that clears up soon - or will consider dosing antibiotics as last resort. The KZ products worked for me- only problem is that they are overpriced and hard to come by these days.