Need Help/Advice Building an Overflow


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Tired of being limited on my options with my 28 cube and I'm installing a sump. I love the tank and I will not break it down to upgrade before someone recommends that:D It fits the area I have upstairs perfectly.

Anyways, I don't really have the option of drilling and all of the overflow boxes on the market are really too big to fit the rear of the tank which means I'm probably going to have to build one. I read alot on the DIY overflows but it just seems too easy to be true and I don't want to mess up and end up overflowing my tank. Anyone here experienced in building these things that I might be able to hire to help or point me to a reputable DIY design?

Or does anyone know of a market sold unit that's tiny and functions well?
I will probably build one soon. We have the same situation with a 30L set up with all params testing near perfect. Will be putting in seahorses soon. I am going to put a sump on and drilling 30 not an option. If you haven't been to this site he has the best DYIs I've seen."></a>

As far as flooding your house, if you make sure the level you keep in the sump, if you loose pump or power, can hold the water from the tank that will continue till overflow loses it's prime. Same as a sump with a drilled tank. I have a mark on my sump(20gal long for my 72 Bow Front). Marked it w/ a black sharpie, the level to keep sump, when I turn off pump my sump fills to the top and the drain line looses suction and flow stops. If you look at the drawing of the overflow on the site I posted, you can see, by design, once the water level reaches a certain level in your tank the flow stops.

Hope this helps
My bigger concern with the smaller tank is the opposite scenario. For some reason the overflow loses siphon and my entire sump pumps into the display. While my sump will be itty-bitty (like &lt; 10 gallons) that would certainly overflow my display.
In retrospect, looking at the rear of my tank there's plenty of area to drill for an overflow. Anyone know if the glass of the JBJ Nano-Cubes is tempered?
LOL.....I wondered who would be the first. You win:D

I had already agreed to buy a tank from a fellow member and transfer my SPS's but in the area of the house I had to put it my wiring and breakers are already maxed out. Can't afford running a new circuit to that area for the time being so I have to be happy with my measly 28 gallon for now:doh:

I was just informed that my JBJ 28 cube has 2 acrylic/plastic panels in the rear overflow area so no need to drill the glass. I'll be drilling a bulkhead hole and installing the sump with the tank up and running....wish me luck.
Dang...just read your link DawgDude and it's says it's plastic coated glass. JBJ sais it was not glass at all on the 2 side panels. Now I'm scared again:boo:
jcusmarine;353189 wrote: Wow...really? Plastic coated glass - ugh. That sucks.

I'll be scraping as soon as I get home:D I can't believe it either.
jonboyb;353192 wrote: I'll be scraping as soon as I get home:D I can't believe it either.

If you are planning on drilling the tank then I would not bother with scraping it off.
Jeff.mcphail;353193 wrote: The plastic coating you are speaking of is just a black vinyl sticker.

Confirmed. Just took a real close look at my 28 JBJ and it is a black vinyl sticker sheet layed on the glass. Never noticed that before.....

I would be hesitant to drill this tank. A little risky. If it was not setup and full of livestock I may consider giving it a shot and then water testing for a while without any livestock. It is possible I am sure....I just would hate to see something go wrong as your tank is really coming together. Just my 2 cents.
Did you see this overflow. About halfway down the page.

Thanks for the link.....they sound pretty dang confident in their product. That nano sized one MAY work. I'll have to take some measurements once I get home.
if u make one, i say go for something modeled after the cpr can make it smaller obviously, but these designs are awesome! I highly suggest incorporating an aqualifter into the top section (like CPR does) that way if power goes out and for some reason the siphon breaks, when power comes back on the cpr will automatically restart the siphon. I ran a cpr back in the day and if I HAD to buy a non drilled tank, thats the only overflow I'd use....unless I made my own, in that case, it would be modeled after them.
I have a cpr 90 on my 46g bowfront and the only thing I would recommend is using a filter comning from the overflow going to the aqualifter.. mine was getting stopped up and causing problems but after I put a filter on it running smooth..