Need help fast! Is floating acclimation ok?


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Hey ya'll,
Just got some fish in and got them in differing parts of the store, so they came in different bags. I forgot I don't have enough clips for all of them. Wondering if I can just float the bag in the water for like 2 hrs putting in 1/2 a cup of water in the bag every 30 min? This question is time sensitive so any help soon would be greatly appreciated!
It may be late, but yeah. Most aquarium fish are pretty tolerant of sudden water change. They swim through a variety of subtly different environments in nature.

Float the bag for 15-20 min to acclimate temp. Then open, (dump bag water as needed) and add tank water. This could be 25% -50% mixture of tank water to store water inside the bag now. Wait another 15-20 min. And if you want to repeat this, you can optionally do so until you get to >50%. Finally, take the fish out by hand, and gently place it in the tank. This is a good time to do a final visual inspection for injuries, disease, or parasites. That said, QT is highly recommended. Then dump the bag water down the drain; dont add it to your tank.

It somewhat depends on the store water salinity, but you can acclimate fish in 30-60 minutes with no supplies and little effort if needed.