Need help IDing this... pest?


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I've been having an issue with one of my zoa colonies not opening up fully in spots and looking at it closer I've noticed what looks like little hard tube like structures. These arent any kind of feather duster I've seen. They have a little mouth or something that barely sticks out and a long barely visible strand coming out of them sometimes. Wherever one of these things is I have closed polyps. Here's a couple of pics.

The offending critters are circled

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The best zoom I can get, you can almost make out the little mouth like part sticking out of the end.
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The tubes are hard and can be snapped off the base. What are these things? And as they are clearly irritating the zoas, how do I get rid of them? I've thought about putting a drop of super glue in the end of the tube. Beings it's hard I'm assuming therefore whatever is in it cant just up and move and build a new tube...

I have those all over my powerheads - they almost look like dog poo. structure wise...
Looks like Vermetid Snail 2nd time this week we have had this one.

Other zoa pests"></a>


LilRobb;341630 wrote: Negative, these are sessil

<span style="font-size: 16px">You boob! You dwarf among mental giants......</span>

<span style="font-family: Arial"><span style="font-size: 14px">ses-sile</span></span>&#8194; &#8194;/&#712;s&#603;s
alt="" />&#618;l, -a&#618;l/">[IMG]" alt="" /></a> <u>Show Spelled Pronunciation</u> [[B]ses[/B]-il, -ahyl] [IMG]">[IMG]" alt="" /></a> <u>Show IPA</u>
[B][I]–adjective </em>[/B]1.[I]Botany</em>. attached by the base, or without any distinct projecting support, as a leaf issuing directly from the stem.2.[I]Zoology</em>. permanently attached; not freely moving.

[B]<span style="font-size: 16px">YOU SPELLED A WORD INCORRECTLY!!!!!!!!! </span>[/B]

[B]<span style="font-size: 16px">WE SHOULD BAN YOU!!!!!!</span>[/B]

[B]<span style="font-size: 16px">TURN IN YOUR NEMO CARD!!!!!</span>[/B]
[B]<span style="font-size: 16px"></span>[/B]
[B]<span style="font-size: 16px"></span>[/B]
Edit; Just a little joke knowing Rob's distaste for typos. C'mon, admit it, several of us were waiting for him to make a mistake (all in good fun?)......
Ah for a moment I thought you were talking about installing a Sessil Trickle Filter.
I am thinking of installing one of these in my back yard to manage my 37G Oceanic Nano, anyone had any good stories to tell in installing one of these Megatrickles, they measure 90foot in diameter and 30 foot high, you dont think its overkill for my 37G do you?
Sessil_flyer.pdf"><span style="color:
Barbara;341753 wrote: Russell, I am equally concerned about all the little white specks on the closed zoas. Those look like zoa pox. They can cause a lot more trouble than the vermetids. Are those in fact white spots on the zoas, or is that on the glass?

Looks like sand to me. That would be a serious case of zoa pox if not! :eek:
Zesty;341754 wrote: Ah for a moment I thought you were talking about installing a Sessil Trickle Filter.
I am thinking of installing one of these in my back yard to manage my 37G Oceanic Nano, anyone had any good stories to tell in installing one of these Megatrickles, they measure 90foot in diameter and 30 foot high, you dont think its overkill for my 37G do you?"><span style="color: #22229c"></span></a>[/QUOTE]

:whistling: *random*
Looks like zoa eating nudibranchs to me. I recommend a freshwater dip, or a dip with melafix.
Barbara, That's sand and micro bubbles mostly, I've been having a bit of a battle with my modded maxijet 1200's causing sandstorms since taking them out for a good cleaning and when I kick my return on after feeding it belches forth a big cloud of bubbles. :( In the high zoom pics the white specs you see are actually on a hard layer of bleached out dead coraline, not any of the zoa mat, and the specs blow away easily with a little movement of water.

I do plan on reading up on dips though. I FW dip anything before it goes into the tank, this particular colony was actually dipped in the sample of treatment we got at the Feb frag meeting (the name escapes me, little vial). About all I had come off it then was about 6 or so snails that I believe to be Stomatella snails. I've still got two that I see from time to time in the tank, one looked to actually be spawning the other day, or he was taking a smoke break :)