Need HELP... Let's talk about Spotted Hawkfish....


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Demorest, Ga
OK yall I need a quick solution... I got a spotted hawkfish and was unaware at the time of it supposed to be one of the last fish to add... I don't want to get rid of it. It's been in the tank for 2 weeks now. I gotten some Hector's Goby's and the hawkfish has already killed it... so $20 down the drain already. The other one I have is hiding and doing well... for now.

What do yall suggest I do? Temporary tank until I have the other fish ordered and in the tank and re-scape the tank? Would that be an option? I don't want to make it $40 down the drain. Any suggestions would be great. I can't take the fish back because the crabs are already eating.
I mean...theres still no guarantee that it wont kill the goby if you put it in last and re-scape.
You'll also never be able to have any kind of shrimp...

Figure out what you want to stock and then see if it is worth keeping the hawkfish...
Do you have a sump you can him in till you sully stock your tank?
Unfortunately the glass is tempered so no sump. The fish will be ordered today and will be here about Wednesday. I want the hawkfish no matter what.... so should I just get him out and stick him in a temp tank? I don't mind building a FOWLR tank or just a tank to set him in until the others get here. The other Hectors Goby is doing fine.... for now.
I mean...theres still no guarantee that it wont kill the goby if you put it in last and re-scape.
You'll also never be able to have any kind of shrimp...

Figure out what you want to stock and then see if it is worth keeping the hawkfish...
I already know what I want. I'm OK with not having shrimp in the tank. Just need to figure something out before Wednesday. Starting to seem like I'm going to have to build a tank just for him.
Ok guys I have had the Hawkfish removed from the tank for almost a month now. So I'm wondering if he would be good to go back into the 100g now since I have my other fish in there and is different than when he was in last time.

Stock includes:
2 Clowns
1 Scopas Tang
1 Naso Tang
1 Firefish
1 Royal Gramma

Do note that these fish are bigger than the Spotted Hawkfish. So would it be a good idea to put him back into the tank? Im unable to find someone to buy/trade him for corals/reef safe fish and a 10g QT tank isn't suitable for him to stay in and live. Only other tank I have open is a 20g that just has a pair of clowns but still isn't adequate space for this guy. So will he be ok in the tank with the others or should I try to re-home him still?