Need help on sick fish


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I got a tank that has this one koi tang with ick, and in pretty bad condition. But the problem is that it is impossible to take that fish out with all the rock work, and if it dies, i'm assuming it would be difficult to get rid of him too. What is the best way to treat this guy? I feed metroidazol thing with the food, but this guy refuse to eat. Any help?
Well go read xyz's dissertation on ich for treatment. As for removal, there are a couple of tricks you can use.

You can turn the lights on at night and blind the fish for 10 seconds or so and grab him with a net... or you can use a red flashlight at night to grab him. Yah I know he's hiding in the rocks, use a feeding stick or something to get him to come out of cover... don't jab him too hard :p. I've heard of people using fishing gear successfully as well.
FutureInterest;31523 wrote: I've heard of people using fishing gear successfully as well.

Now that's funny. Use a rod and reel. I heard corn works well for tangs. Get 50lb test line too, b/c they pull hard.

this guy doesn't come out AT ALL. PERIOD. He has been like this since i bought him 2 months ago, and i have never seen him outside for more than 5 seconds each trip. What kinda treatment works best? Methanitazol gets expensive when the tank is big.
IMHO, loose/loose situation. Your best (and maybe only solution) is to remove him from the tank no matter what that means. If he is badly infected you need a FW dip and QT set up. (and treatment for any other fish in the tank!) As far as treating him in the tank, little works, even less with a big infection. If he is to the point of not eating then you need to do something ASAP. You can try the garlic and that might help him to eat but IMHO it does very little for the Ich. Metronidazole does very little from my experience and reading. It needs to be utilized in well over the recommend dosage to show any effectiveness.

"First off, know that Flagyl/Metronidazole is only useful in the amounts that "get inside" your livestock... The only efficacious means of administering Metronidazole is through food. There is a further problem/issue of water solubility. In the process of mixing Metronidazole one must blend it well with water ahead of time... as this material is not very water soluble. Soaking frozen or live foods in 1% solutions for a few hours in a refrigerator is a very good idea. Actual dosages are best at about 0.25% Metronidazole fed at a daily rate of 1% of body weight. Feed just once usually, no more than thrice.
For marine fish, long-term baths (a few hours) in more concentrated solutions may work... 5 mg of Metronidazole per liter (19 mg/gallon) administered daily for three treatments. Of course you must provide aeration during these baths.
Some authors advocate tossing Metronidazole in the system water itself.... stated dosages range from 6.6 to 25 mg/l of 25-95 mg/gallon... either daily or every other day for three treatments total."

Let me know how this treatment works out for you. It would be better still carried out in a QT tank since the water volume is less.
i bought 5 tubes of that stuff and decided to use 1 tube every 2 days despite the dosage recommends only 1/3 the amount. The result is my corals don't feel anything and the fishies no longer have the spots. I guess throwing money down the overflow works.
I had the same problem with my purple tang. I had to take all of the rock out (I put it in a large bucket with salt water, aeration, and a heater). That way I could catch the Tang and put him into a 20 gallon tank for treatment. I was told that Tangs have delicate stomachs so I did not do full treatments (I used copper but do not remember how much). I had monitor the ammonia levels and did lots of water changes because the new tank had not cycled. It worked and the Tang is still alive 2 years later....