Need help with a invert issue


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I recently purchased a biocube that has now been running over a month, but seem to have an issue keeping inverts and corals. Let me give you a rundown of my tank.

29 Biocube stock non hqi lighting with new cf's 1 36 watt 10k and 1 atninic.

PH: 8.4

These are the parameters i've checked so far. I have also checked for copper as i thought maybe the tank was used for a qt, which the test came back negative for. I have approx 35lbs of liverock, 20lbs of live arga sand, 2 green chromis, and one true perc. The rock came out of another tank where it had been for almost a year. The sand was new, and a majority of the water was from an up and running tank that had been up for a year. I'm not on city water, so i would guess i used about 10 gallons worth of well water to start the tank(I know i should have used R/O but i was ready to get the mini cycle i knew i was gonna have started and didn't have access to R/O at the time.) Since then i have preformed 2 5 gallon water changes with seasoned tank water and R/O. My smaller hermits have done fine, where as larger hermits, snails, and a couple of easy frags haven't (eagle eye, pink sand star polyps) the only thing i can figure is i didnt condition the water when i added well water and some type of heavy metals iron ect have been toxic to my inverts. I added some conditioner a couple of days ago with no noticable changes. I also just added some phosguard as i thought maybe high phospates from my well water may still have been present. My fish are very healthy and happy, just wanna get a solid cuc and a few of my frags in this tank. 1st time with a cube so any suggestions or help would be appriciated
What's your specific gravity and temperature?

Water from another tank doesn't really provide any biological benefit.

Did you treat the well water with anything to neutralize heavy metals?

You could try running a PolyFilter to see if it changes colour (it will turn different pastel colours with the adsorption of various heavy metals). That will tell you for sure if it was a heavy metal issue.

Sorry I forgot to add that info my sg is 1.025 and temp around 77 degrees I did add some detox to my tank two days ago when I did my water change
Patience. It takes longer than a month for a tank to stabilize. I don't even stock a tank until I get pink corraline algae growing. About 4 to 6 months. You will spend a lot of money and kill a lot of animals if you get in a hurry. Give your tank time to season and lay off the "snake oil" remedies. Get a RO unit as pure source water is key to success. I believe that is a must have piece of equipment. And don't get in a hurry and enjoy.
sonofDagon;630725 wrote: Patience. It takes longer than a month for a tank to stabilize. I don't even stock a tank until I get pink corraline algae growing. About 4 to 6 months. You will spend a lot of money and kill a lot of animals if you get in a hurry. Give your tank time to season and lay off the "snake oil" remedies. Get a RO unit as pure source water is key to success. I believe that is a must have piece of equipment. And don't get in a hurry and enjoy.


Only bad things happen fast in saltwater! If it were me I would try and find someone to babysit your coral till the tank is ready for them.
I'll throw them back in my aunts frag tank. I mean i had another tank prior to this one and did it from scratch no cured lr, i mean it was fresh out of the box lol. And i also used regular tap water and was able to keep coral and inverts after a month or so running