Need help with metal halide light


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So after about 8 months of use with this fixture, my metal halide did not fire yesterday. I figured maybe I had messed something up with my reefkeeper so I messed around with that and hoped it would be better today... well, it still has not fired. I unpluged it from my reefkeeper and directly into the wall and still no metal halide! My actinics are still on as well as my moonlights. I looked in the at the box and took out the fuse and it did not look blown. Is that box the ballast? I have heard of people blowing their ballast but I never new what that was. Has that happened to me? I looked on marinedepot for a 150W ballast and they did not have any 150W... I am looking at the wrong thing? I have a clam and about 15 sps that are sitting under 36W of actinic lighting right now, what should I do? The fixture came with my tank and is here:
So I changed the bulb with the hold one, hoping it was blown, but bad for me, it was not the problem. How long do I have before my sps and clam start suffering from light deficiency?"></a>
Would this work to replace my ballast if it is blown?
How hard are they to replace and what tools do I need?
Would I be able to buy a 250W bulb and run at 250W even though now its a 150?
<span style="font-family: Arial Narrow"><span style="font-size: 13px">Does that light fixture have external ballast? The socket ends of a 150 are different than a 250 and there may be a space issue.</span></span>
Jaycen B.;554399 wrote: <span style="font-family: Arial Narrow"><span style="font-size: 13px">Does that light fixture have external ballast? The socket ends of a 150 are different than a 250 and there may be a space issue.</span></span>

Yes it is an external ballast. I have come to these three options... opinions welcome:

1) Buy new ballast (I have no clue really what to look for and have no clue how to replace with new one)

2) Just find a new fixture if the price is right (anyone have a 24"light they want to get rid of?)

3) say forget it right now as I am in college and have no money and get outta the hobby for a while!

Im pretty frustrated with the situation so Im not sure what Im gonna do yet, but I have to make a decision soon because my clam and sps will start dying off soon!
bdesper311;554334 wrote: So I changed the bulb with the hold one, hoping it was blown, but bad for me, it was not the problem. How long do I have before my sps and clam start suffering from light deficiency?

Warrantee!!! If you have not modified and it was new 8 months ago call them up. Get it replaced. Sounds like the ballast took a poooooo.
mikesommers;554478 wrote: Warrantee!!! If you have not modified and it was new 8 months ago call them up. Get it replaced. Sounds like the ballast took a poooooo.

I will look into it... this company I ordered from has been a pain to deal with during ordering/shipping so we will see how they handle this!
So I called and come to find out I bought it in August of last year and did not set it up until January... I had forgotten about that... my luck! So back to this as being my new idea with questions:"></a>
Would this work to replace my ballast if it is blown?
How hard are they to replace and what tools do I need?
Would I be able to buy a 250W bulb and run at 250W even though now its a 150? My fixture says on it rated wattage max is 250, whatever that means!
A 150w DE and 250w DE bulbs are completely different sizes. So you can't just replace the ballast and bulb and have it work.
Mockery;554499 wrote: A 150w DE and 250w DE bulbs are completely different sizes. So you can't just replace the ballast and bulb and have it work.

ok, that is what I needed to know, thanks!
Keep what you got and replace the ballast. Unless you are wanting to upgrade to 250. This is the place to get the stuff to do it. If your going to go to a 250 then get a CoralVue ballast. They have good ballast and a great warrantee"></a>

[QUOTE=][B]bdesper311;554501 wrote:[/B] ok, that is what I needed to know, thanks![/QUOTE]