Need help with Pom Pom Xenia


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I just put this Pom Pom Xenia(picture attached) in my tank and have been having trouble finding a good position for it because of the size and shape of the rock it is on. Is there a safe way to either move it to another rock or break, saw or somehow make the rock it is on smaller?
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26861=1735-Pom Pom Xenia_DSC00184w_24Gal_070307.jpg
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Hammer and chisel will work. Also depending on how thick it is I have used some wire cutters on thinner pieces.
You can simply cut it off the rock there with a razor blade and rubber band it to where you want it to be. Xenia from my limited experience heal exceedingly quickly and will reattach itself within a few days.
that or you could just frag the pom pom and reattach it somewhere else those things are easy to frag just cut it at the base and glue it somewhere else just be careful it can get slippery. plus where you cut the frag a new one will grow. Or just do as Darren says that will work too.
OK, I hope you guys weren't just pulling the leg of the new guy on the block. I cut it off the rock, which turned out to not even be rock and I probably could have broken it with my fingers, and rubberbanded it to the rock I really wanted it on. It is all closed up and does not look well at all, but hopefully that is the expected temporary result.
its fine budsreef that is a very normal reaction for the pompom it may take a few days before it starts to look happy but it shouldnt die. and whats cool is that where you cut it there will be a new pompom growing in that spot pretty cool!
Thanks, Stroid and everyone else for the advice. How long will I need to keep the rubberband on it to hold it in place?
really it depends i know with my last xenia i attached I actually used glue which didnt work so well and half the base area that i glued the frag to got seperated but about 3 or 4 days later it reattached itself on its will know that it is attached it will look like a tree in soil if that makes sense (if it doesnt look at a tree outside lol) hope that wasnt confusing
Also I meant to tell you to make sure that your pH is @ 8.3 that will help your xenia open up there seems to be a direct correlation between pH and pulsating.
Thanks, guys! It is looking better this morning, but I think it may have moved slightly. Hopefully, it won't pull out from the rubberband. I can't believe I carried this home in my lap so it wouldn't get jostled and two days later I have it half out of the water cutting it away from its rock and wrapping a rubberband around it. Yikes!
You may have already read this somewhere but do not get discouraged if it melts away. This happens sometimes for no apparent reason. I started with 1 stalk and it spread over a couple of months to take up 1/3 of my tank. Then over the course of a couple of weeks it all started melting away. All other coral and fish were fine and all parameters checked out fine. Now I do not have any left. Go figure. I have read countless threads where this same thing happened.
Thanks again for all your help. I took the rubberband off this morning and it looks to be attached right where I wanted it and it is pulsing away. I was going to leave the rubberband on longer, but it looked like it was going to cover it and maybe attach on top of it. The total time the band was on it was 41 hours.
glad to hear it worked put the rock that you cut the xenia off in a good place because you will get a new xenia to grow from the same spot