need help with rodi configuration


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Greetings and happy holidays,
Im finally getting my rodi unit going again, an older oceanus unit. Santa brought the unit from air water ice thats called the compact reef keeper. It contains
(1) 10 micron sediment Poly Pro (1) 5 micron Coconut carbon block (1) one micron Coconut carbon block (1) inline DI

Heres my issue. My old unit had the DI where one tube came out inline and continued into the last canister that fed the cleaned water. Another tube came out of the di housing that went to a small valve and waste water line. You could restrict the flow of waste water and pressurize the system.

With the new inline di, Im not sure if Ive connected the waste water line in the correct link.

This is what Ive done, having to reconfigure the lines off the old system.

->10 micron sediment Poly Pro
->5 micron Coconut carbon block
-> t barb
one line going to the inline DI
one line going to the waste water hose**This line I put a valve on to slow the waste water and further pressurize the system.

->out of the DI it goes to the one micron Coconut carbon block
->then out and into my container, the good water.

I hope this makes sense. Have I set this up correctly? My tap is 53ppm and I can drop it to about 20ppm but this setup Ive just made up.

Thanks in advance for any input on this,
If I am reading this right, you don't have it configured correctly. It should be:

->10 micron sediment Poly Pro
->5 micron Coconut carbon block
->one micron Coconut carbon block
->RO membrane input

->RO waste water -> drain
-> RO Output -> DI = Good water
I don't have the ro membrane? I have the 3 canister unit where the di sits on top. The ro membrane didn't come in the package I got?
Need a pic.

The DI stage is in a canister, just like the carbon block. The RO stage typically sits on top of the canisters.

RO will have 1 input and 2 outputs (waste and clean)

DI will have 1 input and 1 output.
Alright pissed then, looked everywhere and read that most 4 stage unit replacements are generic. I have a sediment, 2 carbons, and di with one input and one output. It looks like my original setup ran one sediment, one carbon, an ro on top with one input and two outputs one being waste water, then ran through the last canister that was di.

What did I buy? It looks like the package didn't contain an ro? I will get pics once home.
Never mind I see now what's going on, it simply doesn't have the ro cartridge. Thought I got everything and didn't. The unit they sell has the inline di on top of the ro.