Need help with sick angel


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Need help with identifying infection of sick angel. Has stopped eating today and has been mostly stationary in tank. Eyes are cloudy, lose of color, looks almost like scales are pealing, and blood red streaks under the skin. I have shrimp, crabs, starfish, and urchin in tank. Is there anything I can treat the entire tank with and not harm the inverts? My 2 year old dragonet died 3 days ago so not sure if the entire tank is infected. Ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0, nitrate is 10-15. Salt is at 1.024 temp stays at 76.5. 110 gallon tank that is 3 years old. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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I'm late seeing this thread.

Is he still alive?

If so... how long have you had it?

My guess is he started with gill flukes and has progressed to a bacterial infection.

QT right away. Freshwater bath for 7 minutes will kill the flukes, which will fall off like stuff in a snow globe. Then food spiked with Focus and Kanaplex to address the infection.

If it's not too late :(
