Need help with synergy overflow v2


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So I just purchased a beautiful SCA 150 gallon rimless tank from another ARC member. It came with the synergy overflow version 2 but it appears that it's missing the u adapters. Has anybody had any experience with these and what I could do to replace them? I already checked synergy's website and they no longer carry them.
You don’t need it. Just use 3 pipe with different lengths. Shortest will be full siphon. Middle pipe should be about 1/4" below the height of the holes that come from the tank. Tallest pipe (emergency drain) should be about 1/4-1/2" taller than the middle pipe but about 1/4" below the lip of the overflow box.

Of course, gate valve on the full siphon, only open it enough so the water raises to drip over the top of the middle pipe.
I've been in touch with modular marine and exotic marine about their overflow boxes since I've heard there could be some noise issues with the synergy. Anybody think it's worth it to by something different?
I have the synergy overflow. If you use the stock pipes that come with it, you will deal with a lot of noise. They are not cut to the correct height leaving room for water to rush into the box making it very noisy. This is why the med pipe length needs to be cut that is just approximately 1/4" below the height of the overflow holes. Else, you get loud rushing water / splashing sounds coming into it. At this height, the water flowing in won't make the noise that people are complaining about.

It is bad design on synergy's part by having the external box so much lower than the internal box. However, with the adjustments I explained, you'll have a dead silent box. Oh, and yes, a good quality gate valve is very important to fine tune it like Hui mentioned.

Also, pro tip, get some teflon tape and put it around the edge of the lid so when you cover it, it prevents any salt creep.
Yeah, that salt creep was another issue I heard about. Thanks for the advice guys
Have one more question. The bulkheads coming from the overflow and going into the box don't have any gaskets. I tested it and it seems to be water tight but it's kind of odd. I don't see how you could remove the gaskets from the inside since there's no room to take the bulkheads out. Is this just how they come from the manufacturer?
Sooo.... Turns out my overflow is an older version that has a completely different hole pattern. My overflow holes are 16 inches in center. Please tell me somebody knows of an overflow that will fit this