Need Help


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I have purple finger leather coral (purple Colt).I got it from petco and the had it under a florescent (50/50) and it was doing fine so I bought it.I got it in my 5.5 tank and it was doing fine as well so I moved it to mt 20 gallon so It will have more light and it got worse.My water seems pretty fine.Its one Of my favorite corals. Can any one nurse it back to health for me?
I have plenty of room in the 160 if you want to drop it by I'll nurse it back if possible.
I moved this topic to the reef area so that it might be seen better and since you are not trading or selling it but just asking for help.
For how long has it been "worse?" Finger leathers tend to shrivel up on a regular basis- it's normal. Any pictures?
John, maybe its gone dormant for a while. That happens with leathers. The frag you gave me is and always has done well. I'm in Grenville this week, but bring it buy this weekend and I'll take a look at it
Colts are beautiful corals but can be very cranky. Ive had mine shrivel up for a week or more before after moving or fragging it. You say "water seems pretty fine". Could you please post your tank parameters? Since you moved it its probably just getting used to the new spot and different light. It would be nice to see some pics of it. Here is a pic of a colt I have. First pics is when it was the crankiest Ive ever seen. Second pic is 2 weeks later and third pic is 3 mos later. Ill bet yours is the same way. I still would like to see some pics.
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Reefmaker;98260 wrote: I have purple finger leather coral (purple Colt).I got it from petco and the had it under a florescent (50/50) and it was doing fine so I bought it.I got it in my 5.5 tank and it was doing fine as well so I moved it to mt 20 gallon so It will have more light and it got worse.My water seems pretty fine.Its one Of my favorite corals. Can any one nurse it back to health for me?
For some reason I cant post any pics but I have it my refugium and it is under 18watts of light.Maybe I should give it some time.
Reefmaker;98416 wrote: For some reason I cant post any pics but I have it my refugium and it is under 18watts of light.Maybe I should give it some time.

Just moved and to different light Id say yes. Give it a few days. Just be sure its getting enough light.

Let us know how you make out!!!:)
Open a a photobucket account and upload your photos there. Then copy and paste the url here.