Need ID on Macro Algae


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Can anyone ID this Red Branch Macro Algae? Marine Flora has it and it looks pretty nice.

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Perhaps Codium</em> sp.? I'm not sure (not the best with algae identification) - the segmenting branches may make it a no... but it looks nice, whatever it is, and I'm curious to know myself.
He just wants to get some of it free. It says if you ID it you will get some free.
I declare shenanigans. I believe that we need to all get our brooms.(South Park ref.)
Ah hah! The truth is out!

In that case, I can tell ya the ID if you agree to give some to me. :D

(Just kidding... I still don't know.)
if i had to guess... some red variation of Phymatolithon</em> calcareum... </em>but my guesses aren't usually very good...
I definately want a free frag! Giggity, Giggity

I think it may be....

<span style="font-family: Futura Md BT;"><span style="color: #800000;">Gracilaria salicornia</em> </span></span>

Nothing sneaky going on, just trying to learn reefkeeping and getting a free frag!
Ok I will bite and make a few guesses here. It is really hard to say without being able to know if it is free floating or not, segmented or not, etc... but if I am right here, I get a part of the frag, deal?!?

Could be:

Rhodymenia </em>sp

Actinotrichia fragilis</em>

Last guess: Amphiroa foliacea</em>