Need light over rock curing buckets?


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Might sound like a newb question, but do I need some sort of light over my live rock curing buckets? I have been trying to get about 75 lbs of rock cured for almost a month and a half now, and I still get readings of nitrite, and sometime ammonia. I have been changing the water out every 3 weeks, and just did a 50% water change.

It just seems like it is taking forever. I never cured rock in a bin seperate from a tank before, so I figured just throw in a heater and a power head and let it go...if It need slight then I know what I was doing wrong!
I've never cured in a sep. container before, but Im pretyy sure that you leave w/o light for like a week then put a light on it (WHy? IDK-I think I just remembered reading that somewhere)
Well I have just kept the lids on the buckets so that I don't have to worry about too much evaporation. They are in a closet, so I forget about them alot. + I figured no light means no pest algaes start to grow...
yeah-I think that was the reason for no light for the first week-
some put a protein skimmer to pull some of the gunk out. if you see lfs stores all have big skimmers on them.
I've always heard that the best way was to have the rock in total darkness for as long as possible. Doing 100%water changes and rinsing the rock on a periodic basis is also important if you are trying to get rid of algae and phosphates that have accumulated in the rock.
Ok well thats what I have been doing, and its been about a month and a half and I still get nitrite readings, and of course nitrate...Maybe I will put my urchin skimmer on it too and see what happens...
I would turn up the temp to like 82-84, and do frequent water changes, or add a skimmer as suggested. I have never had to cure rock more than 3 weeks with that strategy.

I would advise against lighting it (for algae reasons), and would also not suggest any livestock (like the urchin). They will serve no benefit.
Yeah I ment the skimmer. I tested again today, and now have another ammonia spike. What is the deal. As soon as I get a build up of nitrates and changed the water I get another ammonia spike. This is just weird!
I just think a month and a half is too long. I mean seriously. I have never seen a cycle last this long. As soon as the nitrites and ammonia go away, and I get a nitrate spike I do a water change.

Then 2 days later I am getting ready to move them into the display and check again, only to get more ammonia or nitrite readings.

I think I amjust going to leave them alone for a while
hm....... What salt are you using? Another member just recently discovered his salt was the cause of his ammonia problem
its not that. I use reef crystals, and its the same salt I use on my display's, and never have a problem with them.