need lighting advice ect... for 92 corner bow


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Just bought a corner bow from a buddy of mine and want to get everything I need in the next couple of months to get it set back up. I will have to re plumb but it came with everything else needed with exception of lights and powerheads. Not my quesion is what would be the best lighting scheme for the money. With these dimentions I was thinking a 36" fixture with mh and t5's but then there are the areas that the light won't cover. Are there any led kits made that would have the light spread I need? I've seen some led's that are anywhere from 16"-24" long but don't think they will cover what I need. This will be a mixed reef of softies, lps, and I"m going to try my hand at som sps. I also want to get a controller and haven't quite figured out which would be best/cheapest. I know I want an auto top off but that's as far as I've gotten lol
I have a 92 corner as well and there is no perfect fixture out there for this tank. When I started out I just used a 30" PC fixture but quickly upgraded to T5's (when I wanted some corals). I had a two-bulb 36"fixture in the front of the tank and a four-bulb 30" fixture in the middle of the tank. I had pretty good luck with that set-up but eventually upgraded to a 400 watt HQI metal halide. After the upgrade I got tired of the heat and evaporation issues so I built my own canopy and incorporated two AI SOL blue units (this was really expensive so you may not want to go with these units). I have posted a build thread from another member. It really helped me when I decided to build my own canopy.

Hope this helps ...

When I had mine....I ran twin 400w MHs over the tank with a two bulb T5 fixture to supplement. I put them on a timer so the T5's were on in the morning then the MHs started to come on around 11 thru 3 then back to T5's for the remainder of the day.
You can git retro fit kits at rapid led probly cost 400 to light every inch of the tank with out the heat issue they have kits you don't have to soder also