Need major tank help...


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Well....I will give you all the short version on what I need help with.

I have a 55Gal. 60-70Lbs. live rock.
Overflow box with 15-20 gal sump. I cycle about 650GPH.
2 power heads
PH 8.2
79-81 Deg.
0-10 Nitrates
As far as I know everything else is right in line.
I don't have a RO unit and have been buying water from the Publix RO machine in the front of the store for water changes.

5 fish (3-5")
3 shrimp
3 Emeralds
Bristle Star
20 Hermits
A few snails

Now my problem...

Went on vacation (10 days) and my neighbor was coming over to feed my fish. He knows nothing about tanks but he has helped me before with no problems. Lights are on a timer so I just needed someone to feed. Well, came home and no exaggeration it was solid green like a swamp in the summer sun. A better picture would be the tank in Finding Nemo after Nemo clogged the filter. My siphon failed and the pump had no more water to pump. All my corals have died or been eaten. My star has only half his legs left and I lost an emerald. All fish and inverts are fine and eating. I did a 40% water change today and scrubbed my glass. The water is about 90% cleared up but my rocks are sickly green and the glass keeps turning green. I have mag floated it 5 times in 8 hours. I was about to post an all for sale but TommyGunn talked me out of it. So...I am in Canton. Are there any locals who care to swing by and give me some advice aside from constant water changes. I am planning on doing alittle every day. I have plenty of "12oz. Cold Snacks" to pay for your services. All posts are greatly appreciated.

My fall back is I might try a brackish tank with Africans. Anyone have any experience/success with one? I used to have an alligator gar that I miss alittle.

Tommy Gunn used to have one a long time ago that **** near took my pinky off! Hahaha remember that T??

Thanks guys. I know you will all pull thru. to help.

ok sit down and breath will can also put in a uv should help some but just set and waite it out and keep up with water changes ....clean fitler pads add carbon...and get a polyfilter it should tell you more or less if there is anything bad in your tank color chage good luck and remember take it easy
Water changes and a few Mexican Turbo Snails. Get the Mexican variety not the other asian kinds. A Top Crown will do the business as well. You can try a few other types of hair algae eaters like a cuke or possibly better a Rabbitfish, but I would keep with the snails at first. Keep up with weekly water changes and before you know it all will be well.
I do recall that! That was hilarious.

Also please note eclass has also set up an over flow box, with a brand new sump minus bio balls. Would this in anyway contribute to the issue that he is having?

Please advise

EClass;118873 wrote:
My siphon failed and the pump had no more water to pump.

That tthe problem right there. All you can do you is to make sure it will not failed on you again once you go out of town again.

YOU found the problem and had fix it. There no quit fix now that it is up and running again. Weekly WC or even try to WC 2-3 days.
Sorry for your losses man. That bites. It sounds like you had a large jump in phosphates. A lot of corals are sensitive to high phosphates and any die off would just add to it. Water changes and plenty of em unfortunately are your solution for the time being. Snails and GFO will help with the algae and phosphates respectively.

On the plus side what you have is a bunch of phytoplankton. You could bottle it and sell it :).
as you do your frequency water changes, take a 1/2 inch siphon hose and suck down the algae with your water in your display. After a couple of times you should get most of it. Change or add some carbon AND change or add some GFO. Get some snails as suggested above. Most importantly, feed your fish AT LEAST 50% less than you've been for the next 2 or 3 weeks. You'll be fine.
If you do decide to go with rift lake cichlids I can help you out with that. I can say things like Protomela taeniolatus, Eretmodus cyanostictus, Cyphotilapia frontosa, Cyrtocara moori, and Neolamprolugs ocellatus.

Cameron had a great idea a month or so ago in writing a manual for his tank. There's a thread on it somewhere on here. Take that into consideration the next time you leave town.
I saw something on here about tank sitters once? What's the deal with that?
I have an extra Kenyan Tree coral that I could give you and bring it to the meeting tomorrow. I am so sorry you lost all you corals. I was gone over the holidays for 10 days and it is such a worry. PM me if you would like it
To help with the phosphate while doing WC's you could also look into a phos. reactor and some ROWAfos, (I think thats what its called) just a supplemental help as well.