Need soda lime source

wantsummora acropora

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I'm looking for a bulk soda lime source for my recirculating CO2 scrubber if anyone has one. I would prefer a local source so as to avoid shipping costs. Also, does it have to be pharma grade? Thanks
It’s been a while, but I think this is the place, Doesn’t have to be Pharma grade, but they do sell medical grade. I don’t recall a local bulk supplier -

The retail bagged version for reef tanks is usually a mix of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide I believe. We use the Icecap version here. I thought about sourcing it in bulk but with how little we use since switching to the recirculating setup I haven't needed to look around for it in bulk yet.
It’s been a while, but I think this is the place, Doesn’t have to be Pharma grade, but they do sell medical grade. I don’t recall a local bulk supplier -

Looks like their Amazon page has the 5 gallon jug for $115 with free shipping.
Just ordered the 3lb bag for ~$20 with shipping. Definitely more cost effective to go with the 5 gallon jug but I wanted to try this brand first before ordering $115 worth.
Nice. So how are you keeping it stable? Are you also using fresh air?
It's the skimmer connected in a closed loop to the CO2 scrubber.

It goes: skimmer cup drain--> skimmate locker --> CO2 scrubber --> skimmer intake.

There's a motorized ball valve controlled by the Apex PH probe that lets the skimmer draw inside air instead when needed (basically disconnects the scrubber) to keep the PH from climbing too high. I have it set to do this above 8.34 right now.
It's the skimmer connected in a closed loop to the CO2 scrubber.

It goes: skimmer cup drain--> skimmate locker --> CO2 scrubber --> skimmer intake.

There's a motorized ball valve controlled by the Apex PH probe that lets the skimmer draw inside air instead when needed (basically disconnects the scrubber) to keep the PH from climbing too high. I have it set to do this above 8.34 right now.
That is some seriously well-thought reefing, my friend!