need some advice please


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i moved my tank thursday night, and i believed i pissed off my anenome.(sp) i feed it every monday one silverside, well i was doing my normal monday routine and my female clown went after a pellet and spit it out. well the male took advantage of that and didnt have to get beat up to eat. well it was time to feed my anenome and it spit out the silverside!!! thats the first time that has ever happened so i put the anenome back into it and she spit it back out. any advice? she has moved around a bit since setting it back up. i guess its just stress but any advice would be appreciated.

cliffs: moved tank, pissed of female clown and anenome both will not eat, male will. need advice
From what Ive only read here, Id say give it a few days and see..Its probably pissed :)
In moving the tank, you might've stirred some stuff up. Did you perform a water change when you moved the tank?
no i havent not yet. i guess thats in order. we drained almost every bit of water in the tank there was just enough to keep the sand wet.