Need some help with my DIY overflow please


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I'm sure similar posts have been made but I keep searching for a solution with my overflow noise. That is specific to my application or similar enough that I can adapt it. So here is what I have basically the same thing as this YouTube concept:

I've skimmed the comments of the video and the op says watch vid again for and questions, given he doesn't have time to answer repeat questions. So I have, several times and I'm still unclear as to how to resolve the matter. So I'm hoping someone can share some ideas

Ok, what I have works its just that common gurgle/ flushing noise culprit of the air being sucked in the siphon and the extra space I the pvc walls making that hollow echo that a lot of similar type designs have. I have a 1.5in. Overflow feed in a 3in. slotted weir pipe. I don't have the tubing out the top with the tom pump, which despite him saying its not needed I'm thinking is a big part of my noise.

I've looked at several different overflow concepts, which by the way I realize now I should have done even more research beforehand but as they say hindsight is 2020.

The best idea I've come up with so far is two options (sortof). The first is a sudo adaptation of a stockman pipe. I would create a pvc sleeve that is tight to the 1.5in pvc just above the weir which would extend out, over and down to the water covering the teeth. Now I think this will help the noise but kill my surface skimming. This would be paired with an tubing vent at the center of my your most imverted U. That got me thinking back to the tom pump hergo the second idea. No other change other than add a short tube out the top. This is where my confidence is not there before I go drilling my pvc assembly. Will adding this tube alone do the trick and do I just leave it sticking up vented too air like a stockman or do i did like the video and include a pump which goes back to the tank.

I'm open to your ideas and insight guys, thanks. Kerry me know if you need any more specifics on what I have. I'll try and post some pics after work.

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I'm thinking if I just put a vent tube at the top similar to a stockman because of my config it will do more than just vent. Meaning I fear it will cause siphon loss as it doubles/ wants to act as an intake also, I guessI could put a check valve on it.....

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After more research etc Ive decide to abandon this design. I'm going to bite the bullet and drill my tank. I'll do the bean overflow with a coast to coast weir.

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Good call, I tried a diy overflow once. Flooded my living room a few times