Need Suggestions for Fish...


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I just moved everything from my 50g breeder sized tank into a 55g tank (18*18*48) and I'm at a loss as to what I can safely add to this tank. It currently has an elegance coral, a snowball pipe organ coral, a maroon clown (about 2.5" long), and a HumuHumu Triggerfish (about 3" long). I want to add an anemone for the clownfish, but from there on out, I only want to add some fish. Everything I've looked at will either outgrow the tank in no time flat or isn't compatible with the HumuHumu. (Who will also outgrow this tank eventually, but I'm looking at our current I understand it, I have some time before he outgrows it.) Any suggestions? :confused2:
a dwarf angel variety.

PS. Any chance of ever fragging that pipe organ? I can't seem to find one anywhere except online.
I'd try a dwarf angel also. They seem like they can hold their own.
stickx911;183648 wrote: a dwarf angel variety.

PS. Any chance of ever fragging that pipe organ? I can't seem to find one anywhere except online.

Will a dwarf angel hold its own as the HumuHumu gets older and meaner? I would LOVE to get a Coral Beauty or a Flame Angelfish. My delimma right now is whether to keep the HumuHumu knowing it will get meaner - it certainly limits my choices and now's the time to make a decision.

I'll probably frag the pipe organ later, but it went through a messy period when Mike was breaking down his tank. It took a beating and it's still trying to recover. Looks pretty good right now, but will probably end up breaking it into two pieces because there's a "dead" strip right down the center that's really tacky looking. I'll certainly let you know when I do though - for now, I'm just giving it plenty of time to heal completely from being stung in Mike's tank. Funny thing is that the tank I just moved everything into came with sand from a Florida reef (not real sure if that's legal, but that's what was told to me)...since I moved it into the tank with the Florida sand, it's perked up and looking VERY happy. Even the elegance coral is all perked up and stretched further than I've seen it since I brought it home. The tank is gorgeous! Anyway, I'll let you know about the pipe organ... :)
camg;183649 wrote: I'd try a dwarf angel also. They seem like they can hold their own.

Yeah...that's my biggest concern - holding their own. You think it'd be okay with the HumuHumu long term?
most of the dwarfs are able to hold their own. If your trigger is big enough to engulf them, I'd say he's too big for your tank anyway. If he's so aggressive he'd attack anything else, I'd say you probably could not have any more fish because small ones would be destroyed and big ones would likely put you over your bioload limitations. Just my opinion.
stickx911;183657 wrote: most of the dwarfs are able to hold their own. If your trigger is big enough to engulf them, I'd say he's too big for your tank anyway. If he's so aggressive he'd attack anything else, I'd say you probably could not have any more fish because small ones would be destroyed and big ones would likely put you over your bioload limitations. Just my opinion.

Right now, he's not bothering anyone. He was being held temporarily in a 20g cube with a couple of damsels and he never bothered any of them. I'm worried about down the road...
Would a puffer do okay? (The Aviarium has a dogface puffer I fell in love with...)
I used to have a HumuHumu and a dogface puffer together in the same tank. I never had a problem with either of them.
John E;183663 wrote: I used to have a HumuHumu and a dogface puffer together in the same tank. I never had a problem with either of them.

Wonder how long a dogface puffer would be able to stay in a 55g tank though...maybe I should consider a spiny box puffer instead of a dogface (son is REALLY pushing for a puffer...just don't want to buy something and put it some place that it won't be happy - but he sure was a cutey patootey!)
Ooh Ooh! What about this?

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It's a marine betta - min tank size of 50g, safe with corals and anemones, and it's semi-aggressive...that would work wouldn't it? Isn't it beautiful?