Need Tank Set-Up Help


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So, I've bought just about everything I need for my new 92G tank (upgrading from a 30G cube) and I was convinced I was going to do it all myself. Now I am having second thoughts and am looking for someone with experience setting up the plumbing. This can be a business or an experienced hobbyist...I am in Snellville and will be around all week, let me know if you can help!
Let us know what's giving you trouble. Plumbing can be confusing sometimes when you don't have something else to look at and reference.
No trouble yet...but my worry is about the trouble I could have in 6 months if I mess something up:)

The main thing that I want to make sure I do correctly is replacing the bulkheads and sealing the pipes.

Edit: No trouble yet...but my worry is about the trouble I could have in 6 months if I mess something up:)

The main thing that I want to make sure I do correctly is replacing the bulkheads and sealing the pipes.
Rule number 1 of bulkhead replacement is don't use a wrench. Hand tight will do the job.
PVC cement will actually bond the 2 pieces of PVC together, so as long as you get even coverage, you've got nothing to worry about.
OVC is relatively cheap so if you're not comfortable, grab some pieces and practice. I did it for the first time on my tank this fall, just go slow and you will be fine.